
I want that kind of love because I know I deserve it

Photo: Allef Vinicius / Unsplash

Why is it so hard to admit that you like someone, that you've fallen in love. You'd rather hurt someone than admit your feelings to them. Why? Because it hurts less? Because you don't want to let anyone into your heart because you're afraid of pain? Is it okay for you to cause it to someone?

Why is that? Why have we gotten to the point where it is shameful to admit that we want one of the most precious gifts in life - love. It is one of the few things that all humans have in common, but we hide it and suppress it.

The truth is that deep down we all want love. The kind of love that brings us peace and the feeling that everything is fine. We are looking for a love that is indescribably magical.

Sometimes I feel like I'm not from this planet because I want someone who will return my love in the same way that I give it to him myself.

I'm not afraid to admit that I want to fall in love because I want to. And not half, but with a whole heart. Absolutely. 100%.

I want someone who knows what he wants and knows who I am. I don't want to constantly wonder if I'm good enough for him or if I'm just a stopover while he waits for his next opportunity.

One that accepts my past, all the baggage with my imperfection. Someone who cares about my future, where I'm going and how far we can go together.

I want to be in love with someone who believes that trust is not just a word, but an expectation.

Someone who listens to me not just because he has to, but because he truly cares about the words that travel from my lips to his ears.

Someone with whom we will simply be - happy. Photo: Jonathan Petit/Unsplash

Someone who cares and will understand my fears, my desires, my insecurities, my thoughts.

I want to fall in love with someone who will feel like the luckiest person in the world because I'm in their life. Into someone who will hold my hand and never let go. Someone for whom I am enough.

A person who knows my worth and respects me. The one who will be my best friend and lover and who adores everything about me. Flaws and virtues.

I don't want to ask if he really loves me, I want to feel it. I will feel the love in his touches, hugs. When I'm scared and he'll comfort me in silence because I won't have the strength to speak. He will be with me through all the storms and hurricanes.

Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic. Maybe some people find this all too sweet and that they should lower their expectations.

But that's the kind of love I want, and I know he'll want it too. I want to fall deeply, passionately and mischievously in love, and I expect the same from him.

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