
Therefore, you should not wash the dishes with your hands

A dishwasher is more economical than a faucet.

Good news for those of you who hate washing dishes by hand: it's time to put everything in the dishwasher.

Dishwasher it's like a magical kitchen device, so you must 'to feed' with dirty container. And then it does many people remember that machine washes dishes for hours, which means it will the bill for electricity and water is obviously high. Well, you're thinking wrong ‒ put it down sponge and detergent immediately!

A dishwasher is supposed to be more economical than a faucet.

A dishwasher is more economical than a faucet.
A dishwasher is more economical than a faucet.

Turns out she was supposed to be using a dishwasher is a thousand times better than washing dishes by hand. In accordance with US Environmental Protection Agency you will spend 8.3 liters of water on a minute, if you are going to wash the dishes on the hands. A dishwasher of average quality should consume only 100 liters in one cycle.

Some of them economical dishwashers use much less water. Newer machines also have built-in sensors, which detect how much the amount of dirt is on the container and accordingly they only use as much water as is necessary.

The dishwasher is supposed to disinfect the dishes.

The dishwasher disinfects the dishes.
The dishwasher disinfects the dishes.

It's not just about saving water or electricity, but also how the dishes are washed. The dishwasher heats the water to reach very high temperature, which kills bacteria, and then alone dry the dishes, so that bacteria does not accumulate on it. Even when wear gloves when washing dishes by hand, you can't wash it like that high temperatures.

There are dishes that you have to wash by hand.
There are dishes that you have to wash by hand.

Even if you always use the dishwasher, there is still some in the kitchen container, which you have to do manually to wash, but because of this no major damage will occur (control water consumption, put on gloves, so that you can wash the dishes at high temperatures and wipe it immediately after washing cotton cloth). Otherwise, I preferfeed' own machine, that it will be full, because most dishwashers use the same amount amount of water regardless of the number containers in it. So you will save more!

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