
The best mobile data usage monitoring apps

Traffic Monitor

You may still remember the days when people were wondering how to spend their GB included in their monthly subscription. Today, the situation is completely different, as almost no one monitors how many GB of data we use on a daily basis. Below are some of the best mobile data usage tracker apps for Android and iOS operating systems.

Best Android Apps:

My Data Manager
With the My Data Manager application, you can set a monthly data transfer limit and the application will calculate how much data you still have available. In addition, the app will alert you when you reach 90 % of data usage.

My Data Manager
My Data Manager


Traffic Monitor
Traffic Monitor is an interesting application that monitors the consumption of both mobile and Wi-Fi data. It also shows you the network coverage, and if the signal is bad, you can check on the map where you can get a better signal. In addition, you can also measure data transfer speed and monitor data transfer abroad.

Traffic Monitor
Traffic Monitor


Onavo Count
Like all other similar applications, Onavou Count allows you to set a monthly data limit. Its advantage is that you can set it on your desktop as an angle widget (widget) on your screen so you don't have to launch the app. Based on the data they collect from other users, you can compare yourself to others and get interesting information in this way.

That one
That one


Best Apps for iOS:

DataMan Next
DataMan Next is a simple application capable of recording your data usage in real time. You can add a widget to your mobile phone screen (widget) and thus avoid opening the application every time. At the same time, the application predicts the amount of data transfer and warns you about excessive usage.

DataMan Next
DataMan Next


My Data Manager
My Data Manager is another impressive iPhone app that, just like the Android version, lets you monitor your data usage, set limits, and alert you when you exceed a certain amount of data. At the same time, you can also monitor which application consumes the most data.

My Data Manager
My Data Manager


MobiStats is a fairly simple application, the functionality of which is limited to monitoring data consumption in mobile networks and consumption in real time.

Mobi stats


If you want to monitor information from the world wide web without interruption and above all to use your favorite applications without restriction, we advise you to choose one of the three packages A1 Combo with the operator A1 Slovenia, which are the only ones in Slovenia that offer unlimited data transfer on mobile devices. Packages are available for you A1 Combo S, A1 Kombo M and A1 Kombo L, which combine internet, television, landline and mobile telephony - all in one bill. By choosing the A1 Kombo package, you will save and enjoy unlimited data transfer on all devices. But if you don't need one of the services, you can simply remove it and pay only for what you use.


Info Box

More about the package offer:

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