
The best apps that tell you if you're addicted to your smartphone

What are the best apps to tell if you're addicted to your smartphone? Do you know how much time you spend on your smartphone and which app steals the most time? With the apps on our list, you'll learn how to use your smartphone less and spend time on the things that really count.

Check out our list below The best apps to tell you if you're addicted to your smartphone!

The applications that eat up the most of our time offer the option of turning off certain notifications, but unfortunately not all of them. This is one of the main reasons why we take a mobile phone from a witness and start playing with it, even if we didn't plan to do so a minute ago. To avoid such situations and start to realize how much time "scrolling" on the phone takes us, we can install some useful applications. These will inform us about the time spent, and with them it will even be possible to completely block the notifications of some applications.

The best apps that tell you if you're addicted to your smartphone

Forest App - Stay Focused

There are already quite a few applications that tell us when we are using a smart device for too long. In the latest iOS release, they added their own interface that records the time spent playing with the device. But people are more receptive to these things if, in the end, we are also rewarded for our hard work. Well, Forest does offer a virtual reward in the form of a beautifully grown tree, if our fingers do not itch within a certain period of time. If the arrival of new notifications still tempts us, we will see a sad and dead tree on the screen. Android offers the app for free, but for iOS it is paid.

Screen Time App – Ez Life Inc.

Screen Time app
Screen Time app

With this application we will be able to take a detailed look your user habits and which apps you use the most. The graph will even show at what time we most often pick up the phone and which application we use at that time. We will be able to set time limits even for individual applications. So the app will only count our time spent on Instagram and notify us when the time is exceeded. At that time, this application will be locked to us.

The Freedom app

Let's not get distracted by push notifications that keep our smartphone chirping all the time. With the Freedom application, we will be able to some applications blocked from annoying messages and recorded our time spent on the phone.

Space app

Space app
Space app

The Space app relies on awarding to conquer set goals digital awards. That's right, we can set an approximate amount of time to use the smartphone, and the application will carefully record this time. If the usage is less than the selected daily limit, we will receive a badge!

The Moment app

The Moment app
The Moment app

This application also enables the daily measurement of time spent on the smartphone and records which apps we use the most. It also offers advice in the form of daily challenges. These start out simple, from not touching your phone for 30 minutes to tips on how to start your day without immediately looking at your phone.

ZenScreen app

Speaking of tomorrow, the ZenScreen app will be much more strict about this. He acts like a strict parent, at whom we are a little angry because of all the rules, but we know that he only wants the best for us. The application will "force" you to yes for say every 10 minutes you use your phone, spend 20 minutes doing something else. With it, you will also limit the use of other applications, and in the evening it will again "force" you to leave the phone alone, because it is known that due to its excessive use, we sleep poorly or have a harder time falling asleep.

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