
The best films of the first half of 2017

The first half of 2017 offered quite a few great movies that you just have to watch. Those looking for the perfect escape from reality can find it in Beauty and the Beast or The Lego Batman Movie. Those who are looking for something in the context of the present can watch Nisem tujo zamorec or the horror film Bejezi! Until the end of the year, we have many more great films waiting for us, and we believe that the final selection will be truly outstanding. Here are the best films of the first half of 2017.

The best films of the first half of 2017:

I Am Not Your Negro (2016)

Director Raoul Peck's documentary I'm Not Your Guinea Pig is based on the text of James Baldwin, a black American novelist, essayist, playwright, poet and social critic who died in 1987, and explores the history of racism in the US - from Medgar Evens, Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr. to this day active movements such as Black Lives Matter. The film, which is also nominated for an Oscar and has received many very positive reviews, is still relevant with the current events both in the United States and elsewhere in the world.

The Lego Batman Movie (The Lego Batman Movie, 2017)

The dark hero Batman has to deal with his own emotions in addition to persistent villains. Although the master assembler prefers to do everything himself, this time he finds himself in the parental role of teaching the wayward adopted son Robin. Meanwhile, the city of Gotham is threatened by the evil Joker, who gathers Batman's most notorious opponents.

Run away! (Get Out!, 2017)

Chris prepares to meet his girlfriend Rose's parents for the first time. The meeting worries him because Rose, who is white, has not told her parents that her new boyfriend is of a different race. Although the girl's skin color does not seem essential, Chris suspects that the visit will not pass without complications, which as a black man he is also used to from his life. Chris soon notices that the African-Americans he meets at the girl's parents' estate are acting as if they are hypnotized, which leads him to make a shocking revelation about the true purpose of his visit.

I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore (2017)

Depressed and distracted, a stranger breaks into Ruth's house and takes some of her valuables. Since the local police show no interest in solving the case, she decides to take justice into her own hands, with the help of an even more unusual neighbor, Tony.

Courgette (Ma vie de courgette, 2016)

When nine-year-old Buček's mother dies suddenly, he has the feeling that he is left alone in the world. The boy is befriended by a friendly police officer, Raymond, who accompanies him to a foster home full of orphans his age. There Bučko meets new friends: there are Simon, Ahmed, Jujube, Alice, Béatrice and Camille. Everyone has their own story and they are all equally sad.


Personal stylist (Personal Shopper, 2016)

Maureen is a young American working in Paris as a personal shopper and stylist for celebrities. Strange things suddenly start happening to the girl; is receiving messages from an unknown source on his mobile phone. The more she tries to get to the bottom of the matter, the more it appears that the messages are indeed coming from the spirit world and are related to her brother's recent death.

Beauty and the Beast (2017)

After her father's accident, the cunning young woman Bella finds herself in the captivity of the Beast, a terrifying creature who locks the girl in his mansion. With the help of the magical household assistants, Bella learns about the Beast's tragic past and unenviable fate, but eventually realizes that beneath the terrifying image lies a suffering and kind heart.

The Lost City of Z (2016)

The film shows the incredible true story of British explorer Percy Fawcett, who, on a trip to the Amazon at the turn of the 20th century, discovers evidence of a previously unknown, advanced civilization. Although he became the target of ridicule from his scientific colleagues, Fawcett remained determined, returning to the jungle with his wife, son and his assistant again and again, until his mysterious disappearance in 1925.

Colossal (2017)

Gloria's life is a real disaster - a breakup with her boyfriend pushed her into the waters of alcoholism, she goes to bed with manipulative men. That's why she decides to return to her hometown to start over, but returning home turns out to be a return to old habits. Meanwhile, a monster begins to haunt Seoul, with which Gloria is connected in an unusual way, because, as she soon finds out, she can control it.

The Lovers (2017)

A married couple has not felt passion in their marriage for many years, so they each get involved in various love affairs in their own way. One day, a spark jumps between them again, which reconnects them and leads them into the world of impulsive romance.

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