
Best holiday destinations according to your age: where to travel at your age?

Photo: envato

This is a trip for every age group! It's time to book your plane ticket.

A trip for every age group? Yes, in every decade our needs and desires are different, so thanks to them they also change destinations, which are written on our skin at that age. Traveling is not only about exploring the world, but also about discovering yourself through different periods of life. Each decade brings its own challenges, joys and desires for different experiences. That's why we've put together a list of destinations that suit your age perfectly, from your twenties all the way to your sixties.

The best destination for the 20-29 age group

Destination: Thailand

Your twenties are a time when you are full of energy and eager to explore the world. Thailand, a land of endless possibilities, offers the perfect combination of adventure, fun and spirituality. Bangkok, known for its lively night markets and temples, is the ideal place to start your journey. Enjoy the street food, visit the beautiful temples as it is Wat Arun, and indulge in the vibes of this vibrant city. Then head to the beautiful Thai islands such as Koh Phi Phi and Phuket, where you can enjoy the crystal clear sea, explore the underwater world while diving and have fun at unforgettable beach parties. Don't forget to visit as well Chiang Mai, where you can experience authentic Thai culture, take a cooking class and admire stunning jungle temples.

Photo: Unsplash/Chelsea Gates

The best destination for the 30-39 age group

Destination: Italy

Your thirties is a time when you start to become more aware of your interests and enjoy luxury. Italy, the land of art, culture and delicious food, is perfect for this period. Start your journey in magic Rome, where you can visit the Colosseum, the Vatican and get lost in the narrow streets of Trastevere. Then head to Florence, where you can explore historical museums and enjoy delicious Tuscan cuisine. To conclude your trip, head to the beautiful Venetian lagoon, where you can completely relax and enjoy romantic strolls along the narrow streets, traditional gondola rides and exploring the art galleries.

Photo: Unsplash/Jack Ward

The best destination for the 40-49 age group

Destination: New Zealand

Your forties are the time when you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse yourself in unspoilt nature. New Zealand, the land of wild landscapes, impressive mountains and clear waters, is the ideal destination for this period. Start your journey in Auckland, where you will experience a mix of modern urban culture and natural wonders. Then head to the North Island where you can visit Rotorua's hot springs, explore the Bay of Islands' beautiful beaches and climb to the top of the Taranaki Volcano. Continue your journey on the South Island, where spectacular views of the Milford Sound fjords, the Southern Alps and crystal clear Lake Tekapo await. Don't forget to go on an adventurous trip around Hobbiton and experience authentic New Zealand hospitality.

Photo: Unsplash/Christian

The best destination for the 50-59 age group

Destination: Peru

After the meeting with Abraham comes the time when you want to explore new cultures and learn about the history of the world. Peru, the land of mysterious Inca ruins, colorful Indian markets and the magical Andes, is the perfect destination for this era. Start your journey in a wonderful Lime, where you can admire impressive architecture such as the Plaza Mayor and enjoy delicious Peruvian cuisine. Then head to the Sacred Valley where you can visit beautiful Inca ruins such as Machu Picchu, and climb to the top of Huayna Picchu Mountain for stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Continue your journey to Cuzco, the former capital of the Inca Empire, where you can explore ancient squares, churches and museums.

Photo: Unsplash/Seiji Seiji

The best destination for the 60-69 age group

Destination: Japan

Your sixties are a time when you want to delve into spirituality and peace while enjoying the beauty of the world. Japan, a land of beautiful gardens, mystical temples and traditional rituals, is perfect for this period. Start your journey in a stunning Tokyo, where you can admire modern skyscrapers, stroll through the beautiful gardens of the Imperial Palace and enjoy traditional Japanese cuisine. Then head to Kyoto, where many beautiful temples, such as the famous Golden Pavilion, and the traditional gestures of the show await you. Continue your journey to Hiroshima, where you can visit the memorial museum and explore the peaceful gardens of Miyajima Island. You can also visit Okinawa, where the maximum number of 100-year-olds on earth lives and you discover their secret.

Photo: Unsplash/Syuhei Inoue

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