
Best oven cleaning product: dishwasher tablet is the superhero of oven cleaning

Clean the oven effortlessly with the magic dishwasher tablet!

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Photo: envato elements

When we think about cleaning the oven, we often feel uneasy, because it seems that it will take a lot of effort to remove stubborn dirt. But, the magical process we present proves otherwise. It starts with boiling water - boil it like a royal tea. The water must be hot enough to dissolve the tablet completely. But before you start the magic, don't forget the protective gloves, because the pills are stronger than it might seem at first glance.

First, soak the oven racks in a hot solution as if you were immersing them in a magic elixir, then treat the inside of the oven with the same solution. You can use a syringe for more precise application. Watch the fat magically melt before your eyes. Don't forget the glass oven door, too, where this same process removes stubborn stains with equal ease.

This one the cleansing ritual proves, that dishwasher tablets are truly miraculous in the fight against dirt. Their use is not only limited to the oven, but they can also clean the sink, bathtub or even PVC garden furniture. So why not try this trick on the garden grill?

A simple method to clean the oven with a dishwasher tablet

  1. Boil water: Start by boiling enough water in a large pot. The water must be hot enough to completely dissolve the dishwasher tablet.
  2. Dissolve the tablet: Once the water is boiling, remove the pot from the heat and place a dishwasher tablet in it. Wait for the tablet to dissolve completely and a strong cleaning solution is formed.
  3. Protect your hands: Put on protective gloves before proceeding. The cleaning solution you have prepared is strong and can irritate the skin.
  4. Irrigation of grates: Remove the racks from the oven and soak them in the prepared hot cleaning solution. Let them soak for at least 30 minutes to help remove grease and dirt. This will make cleaning the oven easier.
  5. Cleaning the interior of the oven: While the racks are soaking, use the remaining cleaning solution to clean the inside of the oven. Using a soft cloth or sponge, apply the solution to all surfaces in the oven, paying special attention to the dirtiest areas. For hard-to-reach places, use a syringe or spray.
  6. Let it work: After applying the cleaning solution, leave it on for at least 15 to 20 minutes. During this time, the solution will break down the grease and dirt, making it easier to remove.
  7. Cleaning the glass door: Don't forget the glass oven door. Use the same solution and process on them as for the inside of the oven. You can also use an old toothbrush to remove stubborn stains.
  8. Rinsing: After the cleaning solution has finished, wipe the inside of the oven and the glass door thoroughly with a damp cloth to remove any cleaning residue. Rinse the racks under running water and return them to the oven.
  9. Drying: Finally, dry the oven and its parts thoroughly with a soft cloth or let them dry naturally.
Photo: envato elements

Magic pills: More than just for the dishwasher

This oven cleaning method does not require harsh chemicals or lengthy scrubbing. Follow these simple steps and discover how your oven can shine without much effort. And although we focused on the oven, we can assure you that these tablets can work wonders in other places as well. Did you know that they are equally effective at cleaning a sink, bathtub or even PVC garden furniture?

Of course, there are quite a few other methods for cleaning the oven with a miracle tablet for the dishwasher, but we chose the safest one. You don't need a lab and a white coat, just some boiling water and some magic powder from a dishwasher tablet.

Remember this simple trick and cleaning your oven using dishwasher tablets will become your new favorite activity – or at least a chore that won't give you headaches anymore. Try it and see for yourself the magical power of dishwasher tablets!

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