
The biggest hotel slip-ups you really shouldn't afford

If the hotel you have chosen to stay in during your vacation has not yet disappointed you, you have a lucky hand when it comes to choosing accommodation. This certainly does not apply to people who were met with extremely unpleasant surprises in hotels. Here are the biggest hotel blunders you really shouldn't make.

It often happens that the hotels we choose for our vacation do not meet our requirements. Guest reviews tend to revolve around hotel locations, room sizes, services, food offerings and cleanliness. Such or other shortcomings do indeed lower the hotel's rating, but they are still not absurd enough to be classified as list of biggest mistakes.

They follow below the biggest hotel slips, which will leave you speechless.

1. Message under the sheet

Message under the sheet
Message under the sheet

A guest who was spending his vacation at the hotel, which is part of the Wyndham Hotel chain, found a worrying message under the blanket. It read: "If you're reading this, they haven't changed the sheets."

2. Washbasin


A visit to Helsinki will remain a special memory for this tourist. In the bathroom of the 4-star Scandic Helsinki hotel, a sink of unusual design awaited him.

3. Fun instructions for first aid in Thailand

Guidelines for CPR in Thailand
Guidelines for CPR in Thailand

Do you know how many people die each year from soft nipples? Neither do we.

4. Toilet paper holder

Toilet paper holder
Toilet paper holder

What to do if you have a big bowel movement on the sink, and the roll of toilet paper is on the other side of the bathroom? A visitor to the Courtyard Marriot hotel had to face this question.

5. Trapped in the shower

Trapped in the shower
Trapped in the shower

You've probably heard stories of people getting stuck in the toilet. Less common are those when the unfortunate person is trapped in the shower cabin. This is what happened to this man, who was freed after only three hours with the help of the hotel staff.

6. Emergency exit

Emergency exit
Emergency exit

We can only hope that this hotel has a few more emergency exits. It's not the best thing to rely on...

7. Unique exit to the balcony

A unique exit to the balcony
A unique exit to the balcony

Just what must the architect responsible for the design of the rooms in this hotel have been thinking?

8. Motivational quote

Motivational quote
Motivational quote

Various motivational quotes can be seen on the walls of many hotels. The decorators of this hotel apparently forgot to put text on the wallpaper that decorates the wall in the room.

9. Sign in the shower cabin

The sign in the shower
The sign in the shower

It is not recommended to rely on Google Translate when furnishing a hotel. Living proof of this is a hotel in China, where a surprise guest was greeted by a sign in the shower cubicle that translates to 'fall carefully'.

10. Friendly entrance to the hotel room

Friendly entrance to the hotel room
Friendly entrance to the hotel room

Looking at this photo taken at a hotel in San Francisco, USA, it's worth asking what the fence is for. Is it really meant to help climb the stairs, or is it to protect the guests staying in the room at the top of the stairs from falling into the unknown?

11. Room service

Room service
Room service

This American motel visitor probably imagined breakfast in the room a little differently. The meal, for which he had to shell out 15 dollars (converted to about 13 euros), included, among other things, a toaster and a 2-liter container of milk.

12. Artwork above the toilet

Artwork above the toilet
Artwork above the toilet
Looking at this piece of art will probably kill all your remaining appetite.

13. The wall in the breakfast area

The wall in the breakfast area
The wall in the breakfast area

This work of art is called 'Pub hair from the shower', and its value is estimated at around 250 thousand euros. An original work by Pissac.

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