
The Edge: A portable all-in-one desk for modern living

The Edge portable table

Today's modern life is connected in one way or another with the use of mobile devices, and at the same time, workplaces are no longer necessarily office spaces, as we used to know them, and a place where we return every day at the same time. Many people work from home or in the field. For such, The Edge table is the ideal solution, a portable 'all-in-one' table that has an included seat and can be easily transported or conveniently folds the harvest.

The Edge is the first portable all-in-one office desk, which adapts perfectly to the person, and really the first table tailored after the 21st century. Because while technology was developing at the speed of light, development in the field of tables fell asleep. They appeared standing desks, but these are designed to solve the problem of excessive sitting during the day, while ergonomically designed The Edge table meets modern standards of table use and is not only a work surface, but with a special way of sitting with knee rest it also ensures correct posture and thus less pain in the spine, neck and shoulders.

READ MORE: Pacco: an urban computer table for your apartment

An office desk for the 21st century that disassemble and assemble in seconds, you can pre-order on Kickstarter for (calculated) 270 euros.

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