
The first portable AR workstation for work: Meet the Sightful Spacetop G1

A revolutionary display-less portable station that promises a 100-inch virtual screen

Sightful Spacetop G1
Photo: Sightful

The Sightful Spacetop G1 is the world's first AR laptop that uses smart glasses to project a 100-inch virtual screen instead of a traditional screen. With a design that incorporates powerful hardware and a customized operating environment, the Spacetop G1 promises a new level of productivity for users on the go. This futuristic gadget is priced at $1,900 and pre-orders are already open.

Have you ever thought of having a laptop screen that's the size of a movie screen, yet so portable that you can throw it in your backpack? Well, Sightful has something magical for you. Meet the Sightful Spacetop G1, the first AR laptop that combines a classic keyboard with augmented reality glasses, allowing you to see a 100-inch virtual screen right in front of your eyes. Yes, you read that right – no screen!

The Spacetop G1 is the brainchild of Israeli startup Sightful, which aims to change the way we look at mobile computing. The device combines a laptop base without a screen and XReal smart glasses that project a virtual screen with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels onto the eye.

Technical specifications:

Photo: Sightful
Under the hood is a powerful Snapdragon QCS8550 processor with Adreno 740 GPU, 16 GB of RAM and 128 GB of memory. The SpaceOS operating system, adapted for spatial computing, ensures flawless operation with applications such as Microsoft 365, Zoom and Slack.

Design and usability:

Although the device looks like a classic keyboard with a protective film, it hides more than just keys. The glasses are compact and light, with built-in OLED screens that support 90 Hz refresh. You can easily put the foil in your backpack, but don't expect everything to easily fit into a typical laptop bag.

Features and performance:

The Spacetop G1 is designed for users on the go. Although it does not offer a lot of storage space, 16 GB of RAM ensures that you can switch between applications smoothly. Smart glasses allow the use of a virtual screen that adapts to ambient lighting and supports customized lenses for users with glasses​​.


Photo: Sightful
Sightful Spacetop G1 brings the future today. With its unique design and capabilities, it represents an important step forward in the world of mobile computing. If you're willing to shell out $1,900 for a futuristic on-the-go experience, then this AR laptop is for you.

The Sightful Spacetop G1 is available for pre-order – this futuristic product is priced at $1,900 and the first units will ship in October 2024. I'm sure this is just the beginning of a new era in computing – what do you think?

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