
The first marriage between a human and a smartphone

Aaron Chervenak - the man who married his smartphone.

Aaron Chervenak has pledged eternal loyalty to his smartphone. Yes, you read that right. The first wedding between a human and a smartphone took place in the capital of bizarre weddings, Las Vegas. The Los Angeles-based artist said he had the longest relationship with a smartphone to date, so he crowned it with a wedding. Is this the most bizarre wedding ever?

Is that the most bizarre wedding of all time? Aaron Chervenak recently married his smartphone. He promised him eternal fidelity in the popular wedding chapel The Little Las Vegas Chapel, where he was welcomed with open arms. Perhaps his action is surprising, but a survey conducted by an online security company Kaspersky, revealed that a quarter of respondents were theirs smartphones as important as parents. For many, the phone is the first and last thought of the day.

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According to Chervenak, using phones relaxes us, which for him represents the essence of human relationship. We turn to them for comfort, they lull us to sleep and relieve us, which for him is the meaning of a relationship. Because on top of everything he still had to do with him the longest relationship, decided to marry his smartphone. He presented the wedding as art project. He went to her in a purple Cadillac, wearing a jacket. He even had one at the ceremony solemn speech, the crown of it all was putting on a ring and a trembling voice. "I hope that they will understand my wedding as symbolic gesture and a recognition of how valuable our phones are for everyday use.” As he says, he wants to explore the depths of his marriage. What will happen when the younger one passes by (read newer and nicer model) and how long he will stay faithful to the phone before he cheats on it with another, we will find out soon.

The first marriage between a human and a smartphone:

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