
Recipe: Unashamedly Good Apricot Pie

Recipe for apricot pie

Apricot pie is an easy dessert that no one can refuse. It is refreshing, light and tasty. What more could you want? Here's a recipe for an outrageously good apricot pie.

If you don't change the apricots this year into jam, you can try to make a delicious fruit dessert from them. Apricot pie will satisfy all tastes, as it is just the right amount of sweet. In addition, it contains apricots, which are a real treasure of health, as they contain vitamins A, B2, B3, C and E and carotene, which has a lot to do with the fact that apricots are said to rejuvenate and prolong life.

READ MORE: Recipe: Easy Juicy Blueberry Pie

Refresh the summer menu with apricot pie.
Refresh the summer menu with apricot pie.

In the following we issue you Grandma's recipe for an apricot pie that will not leave you unsatisfied.

Recipe for Insanely Good Apricot Pie:

Ingredients for an outrageously good apricot pie:

  • 400 g of apricots
  • 250 g of flour
  • 120 g of butter
  • 160 g of sugar
  • 8 eggs (including 3 yolks)
  • 120 g ground almonds
  • lemon

The process of making an outrageously good apricot pie:
First, mix flour, softened butter and 60 grams of sugar. Add egg yolks and make a crumbly dough. Wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for a good hour. Before continuing, grease a low baking tray with butter and flour. Place the rolled dough in it and bake it in the oven, heated to 160 degrees Celsius, for approx. quarter of an hour. In the meantime, mix the remaining eggs together with the remaining sugar, grated lemon peel and ground almonds. Pour the dressing over the dough on which we previously placed the apricot halves. Bake for an additional 35 minutes and the apricot pie is ready. Have a good run!

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