Wondering which is the friendliest place on earth? Booking.com visitors chose...
But where is the friendliest place in the world? There are few things as beautiful as travel to places full of friendly locals. You know you are welcome there, because you get advice on every corner, and smiling faces greet you on the street. Especially if you are traveling alone, all these things make the trip much more enjoyable.
Portal Booking.com researched 240 million opinions in search of the most hospitable place on Earth. The site then ranked the destinations where you are most likely to receive the best hospitality.
A beautiful Italian city landed at the top of the list Polignano a Mare. The city on Italy's Adriatic coast is known for its spectacular cliff-top location and white pebble beaches, as well as being home to a number of outstanding restaurants, hotels and guesthouses.
Next on the list is the city Hualien in Taiwan, known for its night markets and natural attractions, while he received the bronze medal San Sebastián in northern Spain, a world-renowned gastronomic destination that boasts several Michelin-starred restaurants.
The following in the top ten were: Dresden (Germany), Klaipeda (Lithuania), York (England), Ushuaia (Argentina), Porto De Galinhas (Brazil), Mexico City (Mexico) and Gold Coast (Australia). .
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