

Livade is hidden under the small town of Motovun in Istria. The town is famous for truffles and their preparation thanks to Restaurant Zigante. There is a restaurant in an old Istrian house, where you can find a dish of your choice, seasoned with truffles. With this miraculous and very expensive spice, they combine seemingly perfectly...

Basic information

every day between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m
+385 52 664 30

Livade is hidden under the small town of Motovun in Istria. The town is famous for truffles and their preparation thanks to Restaurant Zigante. There is a restaurant in an old Istrian house, where you can find a dish of your choice, seasoned with truffles. With this miraculous and very expensive spice, they combine seemingly completely incompatible flavors. We can enjoy meat or fish carpaccio, leek soup, celery cappuccino, sheep's cheese mousse, lamb, pasta, fish cooked in a vacuum and stuffed with truffles... All dishes are prepared with fresh truffles, which they do not skimp on. We can end our feast with truffle ice cream or any other dessert to which truffles have been added to enhance the already excellent taste. Good food always goes well with a good drink. At Zigante, their in-house sommeliers take care of this. Their first concern is to show guests that wine and food complement each other. With each meal, we are served a wine that goes best with the dish we have chosen. Their wine collection contains more than three hundred different wines from winemakers from all over the world. Top wines from the surrounding countries are at the forefront, but there are also very rare wines for the most demanding guests. For those of us who are too exhausted by the superb gourmet experience, they have provided three rooms above the restaurant at a very luxurious level, in which we can gather new strength and enjoy all the beauty and flavors that Istria has to offer. If the taste of truffles gets under our skin, we can buy truffles or truffle products in the shop next to the restaurant and thus enrich our everyday menu. Truffles are a one-of-a-kind experience and it is right to experience them at the Zigante restaurant.


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