
A great solar eclipse is coming, bringing a year of separation

Photo: envato

If astrologers are to be believed, 2023 is the year of divorce. On April 20, the eclipse of the new axis will follow us, and this will have the greatest impact on fire signs, who will be inclined to make drastic decisions that will change their lives.

The year of divorce is coming. For the last year and a half, the eclipse axis has been moving through the constellations of Scorpio and Taurus. From April 2023, however, it slowly moves towards the axis of Libra and Aries. He will be in this position until 2025. These are signs of relationships, partnerships, marriages, divorces, as well as entrepreneurship, selfishness and initiative.

The first eclipse of the new axis will occur April 20 in the constellation Aries, which is a fiery cardinal sign. Which means it is responsible for drastic changes in relationships and goals in life.

Do not be surprised if one of the Aries, Sagittarius or Leos thinks about drastic changes in life. Perhaps; sudden job change, divorce or moving to another country. Aries, in particular, are the ones who can literally turn the lives of their entire family around, so be careful!

Time to break up. Photo: Cottonbro studio / Pexels

When the axis changes, so do the main trends in society. From April 2023 everything related to the signs of aries and libra will be the most urgent task.

This means that we are all in for a serious study of relationships, because the knot of the past will stand in the sign of Libra and actualize an unprecedented rise divorce in company. Don't be surprised if you feel an overwhelming urge to break up with your partner and generally start over. This is how the eclipse effect works!

The fact is that the node of the future will follow the sign of Aries. The universe will teach us all to live by its own rules. To the rule that we should not be afraid of our desires.

The end of the road. Divorce. Photo: Sander Sammy / Unsplash

People often see divorce as the key to all problems. If you are married to an abuser or your feelings have passed, it is time to move away from the heavy burden and build a separate life.

But if a crisis has appeared in your marriage, you need to recognize it and start working on improving the relationship. Due to the eclipse in Libra 14 October 2023 many couples will be making decisions about divorce and marriage. The next moment for such events will be March 25, 2024, and then October 2, 2024.

Keep in mind that it is around these dates that the idea of relationship breaks. Be careful, there will be no going back. The universe will put a stamp on this life-changing decision.

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