
17 Signs That It's Time To Divorce

Photo: Jessica Rockowitz/Unsplash

It's normal for long-term relationships to go through rough times. However, the problems of a married couple are sometimes not just little things, but big fights that put the whole relationship at risk. In this article, we reveal the signs that indicate that your marriage is at a crossroads.

Therapist dr. Jenni Skyler says that many marital problems are not grounds for divorce as long as the couple is willing to work through them together. If it exists the will to change you can avoid divorce. Before you divorce, you need to know how to go through difficult times and test your relationship.

Therapy is easy extremely useful for couples, who face problems, especially if one does not want a divorce. In addition, therapy can relieve the pressure to make big decisions. If your marriage isn't the best right now and you want to get a divorce, you can try taking a break or living separately. This can give you some insight into how you could what life without a partner looked like, without taking any complicated legal steps related to divorce.


If you or your partner have committed infidelity, you could made progress difficult in marriage. However, it often depends on rthe nature of the fraud. If it's a serious infidelity, it's often difficult to move on. But if the cheating was a one-time occurrence or a milder act, such as casual flirting and a kiss in a bar. It all depends on how bad an insult you consider infidelity in general and everyone looks at it differently.


You are no longer connected

It is normal for relationships to change and it is possible that you and your partner have separated. We are all different, but if with a partner they no longer have common values, it can be difficult to save a marriage. It's not just different interests. This is normal and sometimes even beneficial if you and your partner enjoy hobbies and activities outside of society. But if you find that you see the world in a completely different way and that you cannot function in any way, it is difficult to overcome.

You are unhappy

If you wake up next to your partner every morning and are aware of the fact that you are in a marriage you feel unhappy, this says a lot about the state of your marriage. You don't have to be happy every time you're married, but if there's also a distinct lack of happiness and an active sense of sadness or disappointment when you're together, that's a pretty clear sign that your the marriage is not good.

Mental health problems

It is completely normal to go through periods when your mental health is not at its best. But the problem is when one or both of you don't take the next steps to improve that mental health. Your partner can, for example refuse to search seeking professional help for their mental illness or not allowing themselves any beneficial lifestyle changes to improve their mood.

Mental health issues can become especially challenging when begin to influence ​​not only on the person suffering from mental illness, but also on the other person in the relationship. This can be the cause of many fights in a relationship, but you don't have to end the relationship because your partner's mental health is not the best. As long as you take steps to heal and recognize the influence, which this has on your marriage, your relationship can improve.

Your partner is a narcissist

If your partner narcissistic this usually means that he lacks empathy and does not show attraction, he is vain, arrogant. This can also be shown with any behavior, which makes you feel empty or manipulated in the relationship. If you are married to a narcissistic person, it is possible that you have fallen victim to their particularly charming behavior without noticing the negative behavior.


You keep arguing about the same things

If you and your spouse repeat same old arguments, it can also be a sign that your marriage is over or that therapy is needed to resolve it. You may argue about different things. Regardless, if you feel like you're stuck on the same problem without a solution, it probably means you're not communicating effectively.

Sexual style mismatch

If in sex you are not on the same page, this may be a sign of impending marital problems. Imbalance in the bedroom can also be seen as a violation of boundaries. It may seem that you partner forces into a sexual act that you don't like or asks you when you don't want it. If he doesn't respect your boundaries in the bedroom, you may feel disrespected or forced to do something you don't want to do. These patterns can lead to anger and resentment, which can lead to thoughts of divorce.


No sex

It is completely normal that during a long-term relationship sexual attraction and energy waxes and wanes. However, in a relationship that leads to divorce, this desire is completely absent. Maybe you and your partner no longer feel connected enough to have sex, or there are no more opportunities in your life to encourage intimacy. Since loss of sexual desire is common, there are ways to help you overcome this lack of interest - whether it's sex therapy or couples counseling. As long as you and your partner are on the same page about your sexual problem, there is room for growth and it does not mean divorce.

You feel lonely

If you partner he never asks, he is not interested in your life and your feelings, this can lead to a feeling of loneliness. In an ideal marriage, you and your partner should grow closer over the years, not further apart.


No desire for children

Some people see children as a gift, but you are one they don't want parenthood. As a result, they have a constant desire to indulge and do not want to take on the responsibilities that parenthood brings.


People have different addictions, which are otherwise individual problems. However, such addictions can also become a problem in marriage and relationships. When you find out that your partner is addicted and doesn't want help or it isn't working, it can be a big warning sign because they can't control the addiction. All this is shown in all his relationships.


Don't fight

Although arguing is usually not pleasant or ideal, sometimes arguments are necessary to resolve important relationship issues. It's a kind of thing a necessary form of communication. If you don't fight at all and are completely disinterested, this can be a sign that you have unresolved issues. If you feel lonely and think that your partner does not understand you, and that you have nothing to say to him, even withdraw during an argument, these are bad signs in your relationship.

You are only together because of the children

While you may think that staying married is what's best for your family, you have to realize that the children of yours environments take on much more, as adults realize. Problems that negatively affect you also affect your children. In some cases, divorce could be better for the child's mental health in the long run, rather than their parents constantly fighting.


When in a relationship present physical, mental and emotional abuse, can qualify as domestic violence. In most cases, it is difficult to avoid abuse in a marriage, which is a sure sign that your marriage is over and it is time for a divorce.

You blame each other for everything

Arguing can be painful, and it can get worse when you find yourself blaming each other for various life problems, such as financial stress, career doubts, child care, and the like. When couples focus on blaming each other for problems and putting each other down, it can be a sign that the marriage is not working. This is a negative cycle that, if not dealt with in time, can escalate. If with a partner they don't know how to solve problems together, it's time to seek professional help.


You dream about the end of your marriage

If you often think about how your life could be better if you and your husband were no longer together, this could be a sign that your marriage is in danger. It's normal to think about it at some point, but if you do you strategically plan your departure, divorce is inevitable.

They don't want to be together anymore

If your kids have moved out and you're left alone in the house, it can be bliss. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes people stay married until the kids move out, and when they're on their own, they can't handle it. If you think that you and your partner now that you are alone at home, they don't understand, this could be a sign that your marriage is not going in the right direction.

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