
3 hair masks with egg yolk: the natural way to healthy and thick hair

Photo: envato

We all want thick, healthy and shiny hair, but many believe that the only way to achieve it lies in expensive preparations and countless visits to the salon. But that's not the case - the ingredients you already have in the fridge can help you achieve beautiful hair. We have prepared 3 hair masks with egg yolk that can improve the condition of your hair and restore its shine and volume.

Hair care is very important especially in cold weather, which causes the hair to fall out too quickly they dry out and lose theirs shine. However, it is not always necessary to reach out immediately countless preparations– sometimes it is quite enough to look in the refrigerator.

Egg yolk is full of substances that can have a very positive effect on your hair: biotin and vitamins A and E it will be your hair moistened and them revived, iron but it will help them to become stronger and more elastic. This way you will prevent injuries and breaking and helped them to they grow faster. Following 3 hair masks, whose main ingredient is egg yolk.

Hair care is very important especially on cold days Photo: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

1. Mask for dry hair

For the mask that will be brought back life your dry hair and prevent additional injuries, you need 2 egg yolks and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Yolk together with oil beat, until you get a smooth mixture. Then apply the mixture to the entire scalp and wait 20 minutes. Then wash your hair with cold water- if the water is too hot, it will be more difficult to remove the yolk from the hair.

All you need to bring your hair back to life is 2 egg yolks and oil Photo: Klaus Nielsen / Pexels

2. Mask for deep hair care

This mask is the most average for those who want their scalp completely restore and to him restore shine. For it you will need 1 egg yolk and one tablespoon of coconut oil. Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids, which will protect your hair from injuries and relegation.
First the oil warm up, making sure that it will warm and not hot. Then her mix with egg yolk, apply the mixture to the hair and wait 20 minutes. Then wash off the mask with cold water.

3. Mask for faster hair growth

For the mask that will be accelerated growth of your hair and reduced theirs relegation, you will be next 1 egg yolk also needed half a ripe avocado. This fruit is a rich source antioxidants, vitamins A, E, D and B6 and amino acids and minerals. All these nutrients can damaged and fragile hair has a very positive effect and thus stimulates its growth.
Avocado first beat it, and then add the yolk to it and well stir. Apply the mixture to the scalp and wait 20 minutes, and then wash it off with cold water.

Avocados are rich in nutrients that can help your hair Photo: Gil Ndjouwou / Unsplash

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