
The Isolator - a helmet for better concentration

Helmet against disturbing factors

Do you find it difficult to concentrate at work? Although it seems that it is a modern problem, for which social networks are mainly to blame, disturbing elements at work have been encountered in the past. Today, there are tons of gadgets that help us stay focused on the task at hand, but even in the past, they had an answer, in the form of a spacesuit device called The Isolator.

You have big ones at work concentration problems? Once upon a time, they had an answer to the problems that interfered with productivity. Get to know The Isolator, a helmet that isolates you from your surroundings and ensures that your work is not affected by disturbing elements.

READ MORE: SOUNDSHIELD: ski helmet with detachable wireless headphones

Would you wear something similar for productivity?
Would you wear something similar for productivity?

The product extends to the year 1925, and a rather bizarre wooden helmet was conceived by an innovator, writer, editor and publicist Hugo Gernsback, who found it difficult to concentrate on work in his business. They told him the father of science fiction and looking at The Isolator's helmet, it's not hard to see why. The helmet should be up to 95 percent muffled outside sounds and severely limited the field of vision, which helped the owner to focus on work. Well, if someone wore such a helmet next to us, I would have trouble concentrating.

Gallery - The Isolator Helmet:

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