
The largest sauna in the world has opened its doors

The largest sauna in the world

As part of the Norwegian SALT festival, which is considered a cultural platform known for promoting music and unique installations as well as a collection of exceptional architectural structures, the largest sauna in the world opened its doors.

Event SALT, which takes place on the beach of the small island of Sandhornøya, found in an isolated part of northern Norway, has become richer for another breathtaking architectural creation. A big one wooden pyramid, which is the largest sauna in the world, to its visitors it offers warmth and space for socializing, exchanging ideas and relaxing. Sauna, which also fascinates with a pleasant ambient musical background, is built according to the model traditional Norwegian stands for fish, and with its rising tribunes it also resembles an amphitheater. A maximum of one hundred people can visit the sauna at once, who can admire the incredible view of the... sandy beaches, mighty mountains and clear sea.

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