
The Law of Mirroring explains why you attract the same things over and over again

The same people, places, problems...

Photo: Jalen Terry/Unsplash

The Law of Mirroring is one of the 12 Universal Laws and is sometimes called the Law of Attraction, although they are not exactly the same thing. The Law of Mirroring explains that we don't just attract certain circumstances into our lives, we actually gain insight into who we are through how we perceive others. What is painful can teach us where we need to heal.

Life doesn't just happen to us, it's our reflection. "We see the world not as it is, but as we are." – Anaïs Nin

Most people assume that the world is unfair and that they are victims of its injustices. Others, however, know that the world is not targeting them, but only reacting to them.

The extent of our perception of the world does not depend on how well developed our minds are. Most of the work done by the brain happens without our awareness. At the same time, the eyes, ears and other senses work in tandem with the brain to filter everything we perceive and select only the most relevant information and bring it to our consciousness.

The world serves us as a kind of mirror.

If you really want to know how well you are doing in life, look around you. No single circumstance makes a statement about who you are. If you constantly find yourself in painful relationships, this is a sign that there is something in you that needs to change.

If you constantly feel excited and at peace with life, it is a sign that you are living in harmony or behaving in accordance with your values, desires and needs.

You are your own reflection. Photo: Danny G / Unsplash

It is much easier to believe that the world is random and unfair and that we get what we are given. It's easier because it allows us to relinquish responsibility and therefore control.

When we are victims, we shout about it loudly into the void. We mistakenly think that if something is not our fault, it is not our problem. People with a victim mentality often complain the most, not just to get attention and sympathy, but because they actually believe that since they didn't create the problem themselves, they will get someone else to fix it.

Life doesn't work that way and that's why these people find themselves in the same situations over and over again.

The Law of Mirroring is one of the 12 universal laws and operates on the belief that that what we experience in life is not random.

The Law of Mirroring deals with the fact that everything you see is just a mirror image of what is inside you.

If we understand that we are ultimately responsible for what makes us most uncomfortable in life, we have been given a profound gift, and that is to create change.

What you experience is what you choose to experience, whether through subconscious attachment, unconscious patterning and behavior, conscious beliefs, or matching vibrations. It is what they say it is life 90 % how you react to 10 % what happens .

The quality of your life depends on you.

You attract what you are. Photo: Diego Rosa / Unsplash

One way to use the law of mirroring to your advantage is to build your life around something called reverse engineering. Decide where you want to be in a year or five, and then break down what you need to do each day, week, and month to reach that goal. This helps you become more aware of what you do every day and how it contributes to whether you are living the life you want.

How you interact with people, how well you do in your career, how healthy you are, the people you spend the most time with, your finances, health and so on are the things that you have the most influence on. Of course, there are some external factors that can hinder or support your progress. But in the end, the work is yours.

Understanding the Law of Mirroring puts you back in the driver's seat of your life. It reminds you that everything that bothers you in life offers you an opportunity to grow, to move… and to get closer and closer to the life you know you want and want to live.

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