
The meaning of your most common dreams is deciphered

The meaning of your most common dreams is deciphered

Psychologist Ian Wallace is one of the few who has not given up on dream research. And it's probably right, because we humans dream of different things, we give them meaning and we want to decipher them. In 30 years of research, Wallace managed to find out the meaning of your most common dreams

Wallace figured it out, what some of your typical dreams mean

1. An abandoned room in the house that no one uses.

An abandoned room in the house that no one uses
An abandoned room in the house that no one uses.

The rooms in your home represent different aspects of your personality. Therefore, if you discover a new room in your dream, it may mean that you are discovering something new about yourself, either a new talent or some other characteristic. Therefore, the more often you explore your home in your dreams, the more you will be in touch with yourself and, in essence, explore yourself.

2. Uncontrolled vehicle

Uncontrolled vehicle
Uncontrolled vehicle

The vehicle represents your ability to make steady progress toward your goal. If a vehicle is out of control in a dream, it can be a feeling that you are not in control of your life. Wallace suggests that you let your gut feelings and instincts take over and you will eventually take control of your life.

3. Falling


If you dream that you are falling, you are probably clinging too much to a certain situation in life. Relax and allow yourself to leave her if you feel like it. It is not always necessary to have everything under control and close to you. Sometimes we prefer to let ourselves fall, lose, say goodbye to a certain situation and let ourselves breathe.

4. Flying


If you dream that you are flying, you probably made sure that you got rid of some burden in your life and are now 'lighter'. Don't interpret the act of relieving your life as luck or coincidence. You yourself made the decision and took this step yourself. In full consciousness.

5. Unprepared for the exam

Unprepared for the exam
Unprepared for the exam

Exams represent assessment, and if we dream that we are not ready for an exam, we are probably quite critical of some of our behavior in life. Rather than constantly worrying and judging ourselves, let's embrace and rejoice in our achievements and talents.

6. Naked in public

Naked in public
Naked in public

We choose the clothes we wear in life because of the impression we want to make on people and the environment. If we dream that we are naked in public, then we probably feel quite vulnerable in reality. It may not be necessary to strip down to the nakedness, but if you ever open up in a different way, it might help you.

7. Unable to find a toilet

Unable to find a toilet
Unable to find a toilet

The toilet is a place where we fulfill our most basic needs. Therefore, if we dream that we cannot find it, it may mean that we are unable or do not know how to express some of our needs in life.

8. Tooth loss

Tooth loss
Tooth loss


Your teeth represent your own confidence and strength. If you dream that your teeth are falling out, your self-confidence is probably low or you feel helpless.

9. You are being hunted

They are hunting you
They are hunting you.

In life, you are aware that you are facing a certain problem, but you don't know how to tackle it. Then you usually dream that someone is chasing you. Sometimes just a bunch of people. Although it is quite a scary dream, understand it in a positive way. Namely, those who chase you represent your perception of your own unrealized talents on the way to perfection.


Good night!

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