
The miraculous power of eggshell: repels pests in the garden and promotes plant growth

Photo: envato

What to do with eggshells after you have used the eggs? Do eggshells have any useful value?

Eggshells are an often overlooked source of utility in the home. Instead of throwing them away, reap their many benefits around the household. They are rich in calcium and minerals that are beneficial for plant growth, cleaning, body care and more.

How can we use eggshells in our everyday life?

Use them as fertilizer. Photo: Gary Barnes / Pexels

1. Plant fertilization

Eggshells they are rich in calcium, so they are an excellent supplement for fertilizing plants. Crushed husks can be added to the soil around the plants or mixed directly into the soil. Calcium helps strengthen cells and promotes root growth, which can improve plant health and productivity. In addition, the husks prevent root rot and reduce the risk of mold and other diseases.

2. They repel snails and pests

Crushed eggshells can also be used as a natural means of repelling snails and other pests from the garden. The sharp edges of the shells act as a barrier for snails, which normally avoid sharp and hard surfaces. Simply scatter the crushed shells around the plants to create a protective barrier that will keep your garden safe from snail invasion.

Photo: envato

3. Pot for seedlings

Eggshells can also be used as small pots for seedlings. The husks are durable enough to withstand the moisture and weight of the soil and provide good drainage for plant roots. When the seedlings are ready to transplant, simply crush the husks and place them in the soil with the seedlings. The husks will eventually break down and feed the plants with calcium and other minerals.

4. Animal feeding

Eggshells are rich in calcium, making them an excellent dietary supplement for animals such as chickens, birds and other farm animals. The shells can be crushed and mixed with food or offered separately as a treat. Calcium is important for bone, feather and shell health in animals and can help prevent deficiencies and disease.

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