
The Mirror: The mirror in front of which you melt fat

The Mirror training mirror

Created for those with little free time, The Mirror is both a mirror and a high-tech gym teacher.

Exercising at home can of course be very effective, but without countless fitness equipment and a personal trainer who knows exactly which exercises help us the most, the results will not be as fast as they would otherwise be. With technology came the possibility to take part in professional exercises right at home. One of such technologies brings practice mirror The Mirror, which outwardly acts like a mirror, but in fact it is LCD screen, through which we observe exercise instructions. We can choose between 10,000 pre-made exercises. We can exercise also live, every day of the week.

The Mirror can also adapt the exercises to the user's abilities. Just like a real coach. When registering in the mobile application through which we manage The Mirror, the user must also enter information about possible injuries. Exercises will be based on this data put less strain on the injured part of the body.

The Mirror training mirror
The Mirror training mirror

So, The Mirror is a practice mirror great for those, who don't have time to go to the gym, but would still like to sweat a little in the comfort of your own home. And this while performing superbly designed exercises. The Mirror is also intended yoga, but soon it will also be suitable for meditation. Like another interesting invention, VR fitness glasses Black Box, also a mirror The Mirror remains only in the US for now. Its price is 1,495 dollars, and it is for exercise must pay a monthly subscription. It starts at $39 per month.

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