
The more you socialize with your parents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, the longer they will live

Photo: Envato

Inviting parents or in-laws to dinner can actually extend their life. Not only that, it can improve their quality of life.

The same applies to all older people, because they are researchers from the University of California, San Francisco found that loneliness plays a large role in age-related mortality.

Don't forget about them. Entrust your children to them. Photo: Ekaterina Shakharova / Unsplash

In the study followed 1,600 adults, with an average age of 71 years. They found that regardless of their socioeconomic status and health, lonely people had a higher death rate.

Almost 23% of the lonely people surveyed died during the six years of the study, and 14% of those who reported adequate companionship.

Elderly exceptionally they value mutual relationships with loved ones. They benefit from them far more than their children or even grandchildren realize.

Older they are more tolerant to the imperfection of people around you, friends, like young people. Based on experience, they know what is worth fighting for and what is not.

Young and old alike can still learn a lot from their parents and grandparents. Photo: Vidar Nordli Mathisen / unsplash

Visit them, invite them to lunch, to the theater. Listen to their interesting stories, from which you can learn a lot.

They may also entrust you with some secret recipe for good luck or a cake.

Spending quality time with your parents, grandparents, father-in-law, mother-in-law can help them and help you too.

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