
The most beautiful period is coming: the full moon in Sagittarius will affect all astrological signs (from June 3)

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We are entering the stunning period of the Full Strawberry Moon, which brings with it inspiring and unique events. What is behind this mystical moon - full moon in Sagittarius? What effects will it have on us and our lives? Will it reveal to us new paths, undiscovered passions and possibilities for growth?

Full moon in Sagittarius also called the strawberry moon, it brings happiness and prosperity. The next one full moon will perform on the night between June 3 and 4 at 5:41 a.m and will be specific in many ways.

Strawberry month brings prosperity, happiness and love. In June, you will be able to feel the energy you want at the beginning of summer. This is the ideal time to express your deepest desires.

Let's see what the Full Moon in Sagittarius brings you.


Now is the time to refresh and rearrange your ideas. If your mind seems to be all over the place, take some time to create a realistic plan. Start developing habits that you can consistently maintain without feeling overwhelmed. It is important to relax and live more in the present moment.


After the Strawberry Moon, it's time to stop procrastinating. Your desires are much closer than you might think. Now is the right time to take the first step and fully commit to what you want to achieve. It's also a great time to review your attitude toward failure. Remember, you'll never know if you'll succeed if you don't try. So allow yourself to take risks!


It's time to listen to your instincts, not your logic. After a long time of following your thoughts, now is the moment to truly indulge your passion. Don't ignore your intuition, but start believing in yourself. You know what's best for you, so let your confidence shine through.


During Strawberry Month, focus on nurturing yourself. You often give too much to others, so now is the time to take time for yourself. Focus your attention on what you really want. Emphasize how to show yourself the love you deserve.

But what will she bring you? Photo: Ik Invadingkingdom / Unsplash


Don't limit yourself this month, especially when it comes to your achievements and self-esteem. Even as you help others, make sure you give back. Direct your energy into people who give you back and invest their energy in you.

A virgin

This month is the time to let go of the negativity you harbor about yourself. Start incorporating positive affirmations into your daily routine and change your thought patterns. Realize that negative thoughts do not define you as a person.


In the month of strawberries, Libra can devote themselves to intense self-care. You don't need to follow the expectations of others, but focus on your own desires and watch how they will come true. Connecting with your true nature will bring you greater opportunities.


For Scorpios, it's time to let their guard down during the Strawberry Moon. Although expressing emotions can be challenging, it is important that they allow themselves to be vulnerable and seek help when needed. Journaling is a great way to express negative emotions and feelings.

Love? Photo: Pixabay


During this period, Sagittarius can embark on a planned trip. A change of environment can help you change your thinking and experience. This time is ideal for a vacation or planning future trips.


The month of strawberries is the right moment to praise yourself. Stop doubting yourself and change your inner narrative. Focus on positive thoughts and embrace your achievements without hesitation.


This month, Aquarians can use their creative side to achieve their goals. Natural creative ideas will come to you, so pay attention to them. By writing a dream journal and focusing on your inner dialogue, you will be able to make your dreams come true.


Let the fish take their time to fill up by the water. Give yourself a break and focus on developing a routine that will bring you positivity. Set goals and allow yourself to dream, because this is a great time for personal growth.

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