
It is very difficult to live with a sincere woman: why is a relationship with a woman with a pure and open heart the biggest challenge?

Photo: unsplash / roland denes

"We only truly love those whom we love even in their weakness and their misery. To protect, to forgive, to comfort, this is the whole art of love." – Anatole France

Why is a relationship with a woman who has a pure and open heart a big challenge for a man?

Many men claim that honesty in a relationship is what they want the most, as women are often accused of manipulation and insincerity. But when they fall in love with a sincere woman, they realize that sincerity is not what they imagined, and that it can also be unpleasant.

Honest women have a habit of being honest in everything. She won't hesitate to tell you the truth, that's how she feels best. Whether the truth is funny, painful, unpleasant, extremely unfavorable for her or for you, she will always tell you. If you're not used to being open and direct, you'll be confused and most likely offended, but that's your problem—and she'll point it out to you, too.

What is an honest woman like?

He asks uncomfortable questions

Maybe her questions are too deep or too personal, forcing you to think about sensitive things that you prefer to keep inside, or they just open up your pain. About painful topics that you prefer to avoid. She has no problem with that.

It breaks down your walls

An honest woman knows that you are reserved about certain topics, that you have defense mechanisms and emotional walls that need to be broken down, and she does. It crosses your borders and finds weak points in your walls. With her, you are constantly a little out of your comfort zone and a little worried about what will happen next. But you can be sure of one thing - whatever you ask her, you will get an honest answer.

He talks openly about his feelings

Her openness may be too aggressive for you, so when you defend yourself against her questions (what she's looking for in a relationship and what bothers her), you'll feel completely confused and disarmed by her vulnerability, which she also doesn't hide at all. She is open about all her feelings. Its spectrum is so wide, deep and complex that it will make your head spin. How can someone feel all these feelings at the same time?

Honest women have a habit of being honest in everything.

He doesn't play emotional games

She believes in true love and couldn't care less. If you play emotional games, overshadowing your intentions, you will be surprised. With her, everything is open. Trust her when she tells you that something is the way it is, because you would look in vain for another meaning of her words. Don't ask what she was trying to say and achieve.

You may feel uncomfortable when someone openly speaks and exposes their desires and expectations. You may think that a woman must be mysterious and love must be romantic and intoxicating. If this is the case, then you will struggle with a sincere woman. She is romantic and gentle, but at the same time practical and does not tolerate nonsense. And he knows much better than you what love is. Try to learn something from her.

She will not embellish the truth for you to bear

She is not interested in nurturing and maintaining your ego. Where another woman would coddle you, encourage you, guide you, and cover up the truth in every way so as not to hurt your ego, she will honestly hit you with the truth. She can sweeten this bitter pill for you, but then it won't be her. She will begin to despise you because you will demand of her things that she does not tolerate.

By telling you everything honestly, he shows you respect and trust. He doesn't want to hurt you. She gives you the best she has - herself, her honesty and openness, if you are offended, you are simply not up to it.

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