
The most energy-intensive date in 2023 is approaching, which will be November 13!

Three signs of the horoscope are waiting for dramatic changes!

Photo: Marcelo Chagas / Pexels

In the near future, we are facing an energy-intensive event - the New Year in Scorpio. What does this mean for us and how will the three different zodiac signs react to this powerful astrological influence? How can we overcome the painful feelings and learn the life lessons that this cycle brings us? So this is the most energy intensive date of 2023.

One of the most energy-filled events is approaching - the young man in Scorpio - on November 13, which will be the most energy-intensive date in 2023.

The mystical Scorpio, ruled by Pluto and Mars, always strives for changes and transformations. Therefore, the Scorpio period is a painful time for many, when old cycles end and friendships and relationships end.

Happiness is coming. Photo: Matt Smith / Pexels
New moon in the sign of Scorpio November 13 is one of the most energy intensive dates of the year.

Three horoscope signs are waiting for dramatic changes on November 13.


This is your time! During the period of youth, not only the Sun, but also the Moon and Mars will be in your horoscope sign. You may feel a strong surge of energy that you should direct towards achieving your goals. During the New Moon, one of your ruling planets, Pluto, will be in Capricorn and transiting your second house.

Don't be afraid to balance your emotions. The main theme of this Moon is you and your attitude towards yourself, your emotions and self-confidence. Try to write down in your journal all the thoughts that come to your mind on November 13. Among them you can find your new guidelines and values. The most energy-intensive date is a truly special day of the year.


The main theme of the new Moon in Scorpio for Leo is family. During this period, the passage of the Sun, Moon and Mars in Scorpio through the fourth house awaits you. Think about what you would like to change in your family or in your relationship with your parents. You may discover new facts that will help you in the future.

Take a break! Photo: Timur Romanov / Unsplash
Mars in Sagittarius will pass through your fifth house, which is associated with children, creativity and the creative process. If you have been thinking about expanding your family for a long time, the period of youth is the ideal time.


The time has come to face your experiences and fears. The New Moon is in your eighth house. You may feel that despite all your efforts, you are not getting the recognition you deserve. Depression and lack of motivation can be potential problems during youth.

Do not run away from painful feelings and emotions, but face them bravely to overcome them. Otherwise, this cycle will repeat itself until you learn the lessons.

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