All fans of action and sci-fi movies can list at least two "famous" guns, such as Han Solo's trophy from Star Wars or John Wayne's gun from his westerns.
However, there are so many such films that it is almost impossible to track down all the different guns that have graced the big screen. Fortunately, he is a talented boy with a name Federico Mauro, set a mission to collect most of the weapons from the big screen and television in a collection called "Famous Guns". Mauro is an Italian art director and multimedia designer and decided to put together this collection purely for his own satisfaction. It includes a wide range of weapons from famous films such as Robocop, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, John Maclane, John Wayne and many others. Federico Mauro has received numerous accolades for his Famous Guns collection and has also earned the title of renowned designer. The collection is presented on the website