
The most important selfies of 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar.

Selfies have been more than just selfies for a while now. They offer an insight into the political arena, into the lives of celebrities and the world in general. They are no longer just the domain of narcissists, and the most important selfies of 2016 prove it.

Only a few years ago, there were self-portraits, or selfies as they are popularly called ridiculed, and their supporters are called millennial narcissists. Nowadays, selfies are almost a thing on social networks fashion commandment, but they offer a personal insight into political arena, the human side of fame and the world in general.

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Among other things, this year's standout was the unfortunate selfie of elderly women who believe they are taking a selfie. recorded a video. Of course, he immediately became one viral.

Here are the funny, controversial and the most important selfies of 2016.

Gallery - the most important selfies of 2016

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