
The most popular diets of 2014

Surely each of us has searched for the word diet in the Google search engine. In Slovenia in 2014, we most often searched for information on the separation diet, the candida diet, the paleo diet, the 90-day diet, the ketogenic diet, and the fast diet. What about abroad? Read which are the most popular diets of 2014?

At weaning diets it is about the following principle - on the first day we only eat proteins, other day starch, the third carbohydrates, Fourth fruit and vegetables, then we repeat the cycle. We stick to it for 90 days, hence the term 90-day diet.

Candida diet it is diet, with which we try to eliminate the intestinal fungus candida. Candida can cause a lot of problems, such as obesity, digestive problems, mood swings... It's healthy, but strict diet, which prohibits white, fermented and sweetened products, and in the first phase, sweet fruits should also be avoided.

READ MORE: Herbs and spices that help with weight loss and increase the effectiveness of the diet

Paleo diet based on eating in prehistoric times. All ingredients that could be found at that time are allowed and anything that was not available at that time is prohibited. The diet therefore prohibits processed food, grains, sugar and legumes, and recommends a lot of meat, fruit and vegetables. Paleo is becoming a way of healthy living for many people.

Ketone diet is a low-carb diet. Fats are the main source of energy. Ketone diets are often followed by fitness enthusiasts. We can get rid of it quickly extra kilos, but such eating is very problematic. Our body needs different sources of energy to function normally.

She was also often sought after fast diet, but such a way weight loss we advise against it. With extremes, we only destroy our metabolism.

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How many calories in food? – Apps can help you too!

V abroad were among the most frequently searched for Atkinson, Perricone and 90/20 diet.

Atkinson diet is, like the ketogenic, a low-carb diet. It became popular because of celebrities like Jennifer Anniston and Catherine Zeta-Jones. During the peak of popularity, sales of wheat and potatoes in the United States fell. As mentioned earlier, prolonged low intake carbohydrates he is not healthy.

Perricone is known as anti-aging diet. In three days, it is supposed to erase all traces of aging from the face. Based on rejuvenating superfood, such as seafood, eggs and yogurt. Diet has many famous followers such as Anna Wintour, Courtney Cox and Eva Mendes. Rumor has it that even the Queen of Spain adheres to it.

80/20 is a rule that everyone who wants to look good should follow Hello. It's a very simple principle - 80 percent of the time we eat healthy, and 20 percent of the menu is devoted to vices. They follow the diet Jessica Alba and Miranda Kerr.

Regardless of whether we choose to diet or not, we recommend it moderation. No one has ever been fat since eating a little bit of everything.

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