
The most popular food in every country in the world, Slovenia surprises

Tastes vary widely among people around the world. Nevertheless, cultures influence people from the same parts of the world to have similar eating habits. Some specialties have even grown into symbols of individual countries.

A very special one was recently created world map. It shows countries with attributed dishes that are most popular in their territory. The culinary map was created based on Google search suggestions in each of the countries of the world.

World Food Map

Source: Visually.

Which dishes dominate the superpowers of the world? In Canada, bacon is the most popular, Americans love cheese, the French love toast, the Germans love pancakes, while the Russians love tea the most.

Can you guess which dish Slovenians love the most? If you thought of sausage when you asked the question, you're right. What about our neighbors? Croatians yearn for coffee the most, Italians for pasta, Austrians lick their fingers after an apple roll, and Hungarians are just as enthusiastic about sausages as Slovenians.

Carniola sausage has established itself as a Slovenian brand
Carniola sausage has established itself as a Slovenian brand.

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