
Most popular baby names 2024: These are the names that will rule the playground!

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Which names are currently the most popular among newborns in Europe? The following is a list of popular baby names for girls and girls.

Recently published list the most common baby names in 30 European countries uncovers interesting trends and favorites emerging among parents.

Let's check which baby names won the hearts of parents across Europe this year

Every year, thousands of parents across Europe face one of the the most important decisions in life – choosing a name for your newborn. A name is not only a way of identification, it carries with it cultural, historical and family meaning, and often also personal preferences and trends that change over time.

Throughout history, baby names have reflected a variety of influences, from religious and historical figures to popular culture and local customs. In recent years, however, there have been interesting shifts, some of which traditional names remain popular, while other, more modern and exotic names are gaining popularity.

This list - baby names - helps us understand how cultural and social changes are reflected in the choice of names across Europe.

Children and names. Photo: Pexels-Pixabay

Name Noah, which often appears at the top of the list, reflects modern trends and the popularity of short but powerful names that are easy to pronounce and have global appeal.

On the other hand, there is a name Maria, a symbol of eternal classics, which is passed down from generation to generation and remains deeply rooted in many European cultures.

The most popular names for boys in Europe

1. Noah
2. Lukas
3. Alexander
4. Oliver
5. Muhammad
6. Elias
7. Mateo
8. Gabriel
9. Daniel
10. Liam

Noah is the most popular name for boys in six European countries, including Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK.

Jakob is the leading name in the Czech Republic, Norway and Slovakia, while Juraj dominates in Greece. Variants of names such as Georgi or Georgios are very popular in Bulgaria, indicating a significant influence of local traditions.

Each name has its own meaning. Photo: Vika Glitter / Pexels

The most popular names for girls in Europe

1. Maria
2. Sofia
3. Hannah
4. Isabella
5. Amelia
6. Jasmine
7. Emma
8. Emilia
9. Sara
10. Elizabeth

For girls, Maria is the absolute most common name, leading in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland and Portugal. This name symbolizes the strength of tradition and continuity through generations.

Your name – your destiny. Photo: Thgusstavo / Pexels

Ema and Mia, next on the list, reflect modern trends that favor short and sonically pleasant names.

Parents often choose names that have been popular for decades or are inspired by modern influences and personal preferences. Regardless of whether it is a name that is a symbol of strength family traditions, or for a more modern choice, the names that parents choose for their children are a reflection of the times in which we live.

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