Stop thinking of failure as a negative thing. Acting like it's the end of the world when something doesn't work out the way you hoped. Why?
Because failure is a stepping stone to success. It's very rare to succeed on the first try, especially if the goals are high.
You should never compare your successes or failures to other people. It's rare for someone to post how many times they've failed unless they're explaining how failure led them to success.
Most people stay silent when plans fail. You only hear success stories, which makes you feel like you're the only one who can't make it to the finish line. But that's not the case.
The most successful people fail over a thousand times, so don't assume you don't have what it takes to make your dreams come true just because it hasn't happened to you yet.
Everyone moves at a different speed – and you can't predict the future. You may receive good news at this time tomorrow or next week. It is impossible to guess what awaits you, but if you give up now, you will never achieve your dreams. The only way this is possible is if you keep moving.
Don't assume that everyone else has it easier than you. Don't compare yourself to them. Their wins are not your losses. Their path has nothing to do with yours.
You are much more talented than you realize and full of potential. You've come further than you thought you could. Keep this momentum going. It's natural to doubt and feel discouraged when your desires don't come true, but that's not a sign that you should give up. If you want something, keep fighting.
Don't assume that one failure means you're a failure overall, that history will repeat itself. Rather, learn from your mistakes. Grow from your failures.
You are wiser today than yesterday. You may feel like you're not making progress, you're making progress. The only person you need to convince of this is you.