
Myths about sexuality that you still believe

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Here are the most common myths about sex - from it burning a lot of calories to having sex during pregnancy being a bad idea. In this article, we reveal some myths that you may still believe today.

It's no secret that movies, media, and probably some of your friends have portrayed sexuality the way it is can be misleading or incorrect. You may not even realize it, but some of these misconceptions can affect your sex life or even cause intimacy issues. To make it better separate fact from fiction, we debunk some of the most common myths you've probably heard and possibly believed.

Sex burns calories

Experts estimate that you burn approximately 85 to 150 calories during thirty minutes of intimacy. According to research, women burn an average of 69 calories, while men burn 101. The problem is that most people are intimate for less than thirty minutes, so the calorie burn is even lower. Sexuality, then not the best exercise to burn your calories. So try to spice up your sex life and see what can help you lose weight.

The difference between sex drive

Women tend to want sex with the man they love, but men are less demanding and simply want more and have a higher sex drive. Research has confirmed that men's testosterone peaks around age 18, while women's estrogen levels peak in their mid-20s. Both male and female hormones are associated with sex drive, but there is no definitive statement that it is because of them, the sex drive is greater, as it fluctuates, increases and decreases.


Sex can give you a heart attack

Experts have confirmed that more sex has a positive effect on health and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. If people have heart problems, this factor is of course possible, as it involves physical activity and effort, which is similar to walking up stairs.

The use of various aphrodisiacs

No studies have shown a positive effect on increasing sexual desire, arousal or sexual potency. A food that many consider to be an aphrodisiac, does not affect to the genitals or sexual desire. It also doesn't help to make you more seductive and durable.


Women always climax only with vaginal sex

Many experts are still in doubt when trying to answer the question of whether they are achieving women's climax clitoral or vaginal. Studies have shown that the majority of women can experience a clitoral climax, while they have not yet reached a vaginal one, or only have difficulty reaching it. The majority, however, agreed that they experience climax when using both stimulations. However, they are of the opinion that women can experience different types of orgasms, even several at once. If, of course, they have a partner who makes an effort for her.

Sexuality affects sports performance

This theory has been debated for years, with coaches often telling their athletes to abstain from sex before big games or competitions. However, studies show that sexuality has only little impact on athletic performance.

Sexuality causes premature birth

Expectant parents often have the question of whether sexual relations during pregnancy can have an unpleasant effect on the fetus or even damage it. Sexuality can be even more so in this case satisfactory and binds the partner even more closely, as it has a beneficial effect on both parents and children if the pregnancy proceeds without complications.

Women need more time to get aroused

Studies have shown that there is no difference between male and female arousal, as it remains the same - according to the measurement of blood flow in the genitals. So, if you are a woman and find that your arousal time takes much longer, the reason may be psychological rather than physical.

Sexuality is just penetrating intimacy

Sexuality is usually characterized by penetrating intimacy, but this includes much more. It also has sexuality emotional component and covers a wide variety of sexual activities that do not only involve the act of penetration. That's why all of you who consider sex to be just that, various traumas and erectile dysfunctions can happen to you in a relationship.


Younger partner, better sex

Regardless of age, almost every relationship has someone who wants more or less sexual activity. All this is even more pronounced if there is a bigger age difference in the relationship. Elderly people have less energy, less sex drive, hormones slowly calm down. Younger men have more sexual energy, appreciate your experience, and will not judge you.

Too much masturbation is harmful to sexuality

Experts are of the opinion that masturbation is healthy, normal, if not even necessary for the healthy development of an individual. However, as far as individuals from it depends, can only be peaked when it relies on movies. Also, due to excessive self-gratification, both men and women can get used to a certain type pressure and speed stimulation to make it more difficult for them to climax with their partner. Also, reliance on pornography can give unrealistic expectations of how you should behave in the bedroom.

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