
The pulse of the city is given by the people who live in it

It is responsible and necessary to find your place in the city in which we live. What we do today will be seen tomorrow. In September, when the International Mobility Week was held, we encouraged # urban cyclists to cycle more. Not only for a cleaner environment and a more active lifestyle, but because it's cool to live with our city and co-shape its stories.

CITY project it is a global story Heineken, which the brand tells all over the world. It is a project that motivates people to co-shape the city. Each city is a story unto itself, an unwritten canvas that calls out for activation and the creation of new things and changes. This year, they chose our capital, which bears the title, to write a local story Green Capital of Europe 2016.

A Heineken initiative #city cyclists invited cyclists to use the mobile application to record their kilometers and thus contribute their energy to the renovation of road sections and the construction of new cycling routes. The response was great. People were given the opportunity to influence changes in their city. The cyclists reached the first set goal early, and by the end of the project they had contributed more than 20,000 km.

It will be for all the contributed kilometers and energy of the cyclists Heineken contributed funds for improvement of cycling infrastructure and, together with the Municipality of Ljubljana, by the summer of 2017, restored the sections that, according to the experts, most urgently need to be renovated to make them safer for cyclists. The sections at the intersection of Resljeva cesta and Petkovškova nabreže, on Bohoričeva ulica, on Malenškova ulica and the bicycle path on Zaloška cesta, on the section between Cesta 30. avgusta and Rosna potja, will be fixed.

Together, we have proven that we can co-create good stories and give the city a pulse. Ljubljana has become a real cycling capital this fall!

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