
The question we all ask ourselves: How often should we wash our towels?

Photo: envato

After using a towel, they can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. Although you hang them to dry, this does not guarantee their cleanliness. How often should we wash towels? According to Manal Mohammed, senior lecturer in medical microbiology at the University of Westminster in the UK, the rule of thumb is to wash towels at least once a week.

How often should we wash towels? Can you reuse a towel after one use? Although reusing towels can be environmentally friendly, strange odors are a sign that it's time to wash them, as they indicate growth of fungi and bacteria. Mohammed warns that towels can carry germs and are not as clean as you think.

Cropped image of woman holding stack of colorful towels

How often should we wash towels?

Every time you touch or use a towel, any germs from your body are transferred to it. Therefore, it is imperative to wash your hands properly for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the toilet. If you don't, germs can easily transfer to the towel.

Washing towels incorrectly can make them even more dirty. For example, washing towels with high-risk items such as underwear, which are more likely to contain feces or bacteria from genital infections, can increase the chances of them being soiled. Similarly, towels should never be washed with items heavily soiled with bodily fluids such as vomit.

Photo: envato

Proper drying is also essential for a clean towel. If towels are not dried, they can create an environment that encourages the growth of bacteria. Damp, used towels in damp bathrooms encourage the growth of microbes, and some of these germs can cause infections and health problems.

How dirty are our towels really?

Towels can spread infections such as scabies and ringworm athlete's foot, and even more serious infections, such as antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus bacteria. Towels can also spread bacteria that cause acne and pink eye.

Woman wiping hands in towel after washing them. Hygiene, preventing coronavirus and healthcare

To keep towels clean, it's best not to share them with others whenever possible. If you share towels, such as hand towels, they should be replaced daily with a clean towel. Wash towels separately from high-risk items such as underwear and use hot water to remove germs. Experts suggest washing towels on the “hot” setting of your washing machine at 140°F (60°C) or higher for particularly soiled towels. After washing, make sure the towels are thoroughly dry between each use.

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