
The reason why your relationship always fails, according to your astrological sign

In every relationship, it is necessary to make compromises. Do your best not to let your relationship fail because of your stubbornness.

What is it that always makes your relationship fail (according to astrology)?


In everything you do, you rely only on your feelings. In many situations you react impulsively, but in the end you realize that you should have done things completely differently. This is what your partner doesn't like about you, but you just can't change. You are extremely stubborn, when you feel threatened in a relationship and always do things that you later regret. And when your partners have had enough of this behavior, they leave you. In some situations this kind of behavior is good, but in your love life you should have more compassion for your partner. This is the reason why your relationships fail sooner or later.


Your main problem is that you take a long time to open up to someone, but on the other hand, you want others to open up to you right away. Mine keep secrets to yourself and rarely share them with your partner. You are very sensitive about money and that's why most of your relationships fail. It seems perfectly normal for you to have your partner pay for things, but when it's your turn, you'd like to split the bill. You need to learn to trust your partner more and not just think that he will take everything you have from you.


You have a lot of luck in life, but the main problem is that you don't know how to enjoy it. You are quite indecisive about the things you want to do. When everything is going great in your relationship, your mind makes different assumptions. You are afraid of commitment. You think that you will not be able to enjoy life anymore and because of this you are destroying good relationships. You dream that the perfect person is waiting for you somewhere and you end up with someone who doesn't appreciate you.


When you love, you are constantly thinking and analyzing things. Over and over and over again. You don't know how to stop. In a relationship, you give and give so much, yes suffocate your partner with attention. When you fall in love, you become complete obsessed with this person and you don't know how to stop it. You want to know where they are and who they are with every second. And this is what scares most of your partners. This makes them leave. They think your behavior will get worse if, say, they marry you.


Being the king of the jungle, you want to be always in the spotlight. You are not interested in your partner's wishes. Instead, you only think about your own needs and feelings. You want your partner to give you all his attention, but you don't give him the same attention back. You think more about yourself than about him, which in the long run leads to the breakup of the relationship.

A virgin

Your main problem is that you want to always fixing things even if they aren't broken. You are a big perfectionist by nature and things that are quite good for others are not for you and always need some improvement. You do exactly the same thing in a relationship, which is why your relationships end. No one wants their partner to change them and shape them into someone they can fall in love with. The problem is also because you don't know when to stop criticizing.


You just love being in a relationship! It is something that fulfills you. You love to pamper your partner. Your main problem is that you always strive to please your partner, and at the same time ignore your desires. You bottle up your feelings and think they will go away if you don't talk about them. But in most cases you suddenly explode, due to a completely irrelevant trigger, and everything fails. Therefore, it would be better to discuss problems as soon as they arise.


When you fall in love, you worry that your partner will make fun of you. You push him to his limits because of your great desire to keep him in your life. You become obsessed and paranoid, that they will cheat you. You don't enjoy the love you have. Instead, you think about things that will happen in the future. And because of this, partners leave you. If only we could relax a little, everything would be much different.


You have a free spirit and because of this, every love affair you start ends. You don't know how and you don't want to commit. Your freedom is the one you love the most and you don't want to lose it for anyone. To your partners you cannot give what they need. You are not happy. Your best bet would be to find someone who is open minded like you to have an open relationship with them.


Your main problem is that you think people will hurt you, no matter what you do. Because of this, don't let anyone get to your heart. Build the walls around him so high that partners don't know how to get to you. No one wants to work hard for someone who doesn't want a relationship in the first place. Some people try it, but as soon as they see that you don't open up, they leave. You just have to learn to enjoy life and understand that if you are meant to be hurt, it will happen no matter what.


Your main problem is that really you don't know if you want a relationship or not. You like one person, but as soon as you see someone else, you already conquer him. Maybe it's something you can hide at the beginning of the relationship, but as your partner gets to know you better, he'll see what you're doing. You should know that it is not right to you are playing with people's emotions and that you wouldn't want your partner to treat you like that. If you don't like someone, tell them so and don't sit on two or three chairs at the same time.


You fall in love quickly, so your main problem is yes you choose the wrong partners. If you like someone, you will immediately try to win them over without thinking about the consequences. You just want to enjoy life and that's why you do things like this, but you end up getting hurt. Because you choose the wrong partners, sooner or later they hurt you and lose faith in love. You should know that good things don't happen overnight and you have to wait for true love to happen.

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