
A scientific view of flirting or how to become a master of flirting

Check out what science says about flirting.

It's spring, which means that in addition to pollen, love is in the air. Everyone has been hit by Cupid's arrow, but not every love just happens. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to charm the crush and attract her attention. And flirting is often the tip of the scales in conquering a boy or a girl. This particular way of behaving is innate to some, while others have problems with it. But nothing happens. Before you is a small school of flirting with science behind it. With such a strategy, you will not only win the game of flirting, but also greatly increase your chances of success.

We are people genetically engineered to flirt. This is ours primal instinct, which stems from the fact that flirting leads to sex, and sex leads to the reproduction and survival of our species. This is of course strict evolutionary view, which in the modern era is naturally seasoned with words such as love, devotion and loyalty, as well as with romance, etc.

READ MORE: Ten scientifically proven tricks that make us more "sexy"

Check out what science says about flirting.
Check out what science says about flirting.

Well, since we are right at the peak of spring, which means that us driven by hormones, is good to know the legalities of flirting and ways to win our sympathy more easily. This time's tips are scientifically supported and will greatly increase your chances, whether the reason for flirting is privilege, sex, love, a better job, free entrance to the gym, or something else. Check out what it can bring you eye contact, a wink or a smile. And no, there is no science behind flirting. You just have to follow a few basic principles. Check!

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