
The secret is in the right question

Learn about the power of coaching at the free 4-day online workshop Coaching diploma

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Imagine how much more successful you would be if, instead of looking for answers, you started looking for the right questions! Have you ever thought about it?

Albert Einstein once said: “If I had an hour to solve a problem, and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the right question to ask. Once I know the right question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.” Even Albert Einstein knew how important the questions he asks are, because only with the right questions can he get the answers he is looking for.

If you too would like to learn the power of questions, if you would like to learn the power of coaching, you are invited to the free Coaching diploma online workshop, which you can follow from Wednesday, March 13, 2024 from the comfort of your home. You can register for this workshop here.

How can you get concrete answers if you don't ask yourself the right questions?

The key to change is not in the answers, but hidden in real and correctly asked questions. You can also learn to set them when you get to know and understand the power of coaching and the role of a coach in the life of an individual or a group.

Success is based on effective coaching - this is the common denominator of successful people, regardless of their roles - entrepreneurs, doctors, managers, teachers, parents, athletes, lecturers, ...

Coaching is a tool that allows you to pass over obstacles with greater ease, safety and speed. Coaches are not necessarily the ones who have the most answers, but the ones who ask the best - the right questions at the right time. These are the questions when, on the other hand, the client experiences an "aha" moment and finds within himself the solution that he has been looking for for so long, but did not know how to ask himself (or the counselor, mentor, therapist did not ask him) these questions.

Given how important the role of the coach is, it should come as no surprise that coaching is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, second only to information and communication technologies. Coaching, however, is not only a fast-growing industry, but also an essential tool for the personal and professional success of individuals and teams.

Do you also wonder when to use coaching and when it is better to advise or mentor? Do you know the difference between a coach and a therapist? Are you wondering what are good coaching questions that get results? You will get the answers to these key questions and many others at free 4-day online workshop Coaching diploma, where you will learn, among other things:

  • what opportunities for your personal and/or business breakthrough does coaching bring you,
  • what is coaching anyway and who is a coach,
  • what are the differences between coaching, mentoring, counseling and therapy,
  • how to recognize the difference between good questions that lead you in the direction of your goal and bad ones that get in your way or even lead you in the wrong direction,
  • why the right question can be far more valuable than advice,
  • what is the fundamental question and why is it so very important
  • and much more about the art of asking good questions and their benefits.

You can sign up for the workshop without any obligation and free of charge here.

If you are ambitious and want to succeed in your field, be it entrepreneurship, sales, management, sports, partnership, parenting or education, coaching can become the foundation of your success.

A good salesperson is a good coach.

Many sellers do not realize that all the answers they need for a successful sale are hidden in the buyer, in understanding his challenge and explaining how the offered product or service can help him solve this problem. Without the use of coaching, salespeople usually close the sale too quickly and incorrectly, and as a result, fail. The most successful salespeople know and use coaching, thereby not only achieving excellent sales results, but also helping their customers.

A good leader is a good coach.

The secret of the best leaders who are respected and appreciated is that instead of constantly giving advice, instructions, answers or orders to colleagues, they ask good questions. When a colleague asks you, “What do we do?” your first response should be, “What would you do?” The days of authoritative, centralized leadership are long gone. As leaders - coaches, you will attract more successful colleagues to your team, while at the same time encouraging and developing their independence and self-initiative and thereby achieve significantly better results in the long term.

A good partner is a good coach.

When partners meet or enter into a partnership, they usually do not make a precise analysis of the compatibility of their values, beliefs, etc. Later, they show up in many relationships, and with the development of each of the partners, enormous differences arise between them, which often leads to conflicts. Coaching skills can reduce these differences, they contribute to better understanding, tolerance and maintaining passion in the relationship.

A good parent is a good coach.

Do you have teenage children or is this interesting period still waiting for you, maybe you are worried? With coaching questions, you will lead the child to accept your idea more easily, with less resistance and bad will. And don't forget: even the teenage years will surely come to an end. Until then, knowing how to coach with good questions can help you you will find it easier to navigate the turbulent sea of your children growing up.

A good teacher is a good coach.

In the past, teachers only taught material that students had to master. If you teach, you know that modern teaching approaches are significantly more complex and demanding. Are you wondering how some of your colleagues manage to have calm and motivated students in the classroom or students? Coaching skills can make your job a lot easier and bring much better learning outcomes for students.

A good speaker is a good coach.

Are you facing the challenge of conducting a full-day training within the company and you don't know where and how to start? Can you imagine doing this using just five key questions? When you speak publicly, lecture, teach, your lectures will be much more interesting and interactive if you use the elements of coaching. You will establish excellent contact with the audience and thus more easily achieve the goal of your lecture.

A good coach is a good coach.

Tim Gallway, one of the pioneers of coaching, realized already in the 70s of the 20th century that a sports coach can help players achieve exceptional results by asking the right questions. It is certainly no coincidence that many successful athletes and coaches like them have attended our workshops Benjamin Savšek, Sara Isaković, Dejan Zavec, Ante Šimundža, Anica Živko, Urša Kragelj, Ilka Štuhec and others. If you are athletes and/or sports coaches, coaching is an indispensable skill for your work.

The secret to success lies in asking the right questions.

It is high time that you too learn the power of the right questions and use them to get the right answers. Register now for the free 4-day Online Coaching Diploma Workshop. You can apply here.

Day 1/4 – Opportunity for coaching, mentoring, counseling

In the first of four workshops, you will learn about the opportunities that coaching brings and the main differences between coaching, mentoring, counseling, therapy, etc. You will learn what the advantages of coaching are and which questions are good, which are bad and which questions (which are otherwise very common) you should not ask if you want to achieve change in the interlocutor or in yourself.

Day 2/4 – Structure of the coaching meeting

At the second free workshop, you will learn what kind of transformation you will achieve in yourself and others with the help of coaching. You will learn how to prepare for a coaching meeting, what are the concrete steps that need to be taken in order to help the interlocutor with the help of coaching tools and skills, how to measure the success of the coaching and the achievement of the desired results.

Day 3/4 – Choosing a coaching niche and practical application of coaching in everyday life

The third workshop will answer a series of very topical questions, such as: what does it mean to become a coach, how would you feel if you worked in one of the fastest growing industries in the world, what niches are available and how you can position yourself as a coach in your work, how you can use coaching in different situations at home or at work and what a different way of communication can bring you.

Day 4/4 – Achieving goals and results with a coach

Successful coaching is one that delivers results. At the last, fourth meeting of the free Coaching diploma workshop, you will learn how coaching can make a breakthrough in the fields of finance, career, partnership, health, personal and business growth, and what "hot buttons" to press as coaches, mentors, consultants to achieve the desired result.

Participation in the Coaching diploma workshop is completely free and non-binding. The workshop is intended for everyone who wants to make a breakthrough with coaching in their everyday life, both at home (as parents, partners, friends...) and at work (in management, sales, public speaking, education, teaching, sports, etc.), or would like to by using coaching skills, they also earned extra money or even changed their career path. You can go to the workshop apply here for free. Hurry up and take advantage of the opportunity for new knowledge that can open many new doors for you and show the way to solutions.

About the lecturer

dr. Alexander Shinigoi believes that every individual has the potential to live the life they truly desire and deserve. With this guide, he has been successfully helping entrepreneurs, managers, salespeople, athletes, teachers, doctors, parents - anyone who wants it - to achieve exceptional results in their personal and business lives for many years. He does this by imparting knowledge of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnosis, coaching and entrepreneurship from the heart. If you also want to become personal (life), business (business) and NLP coaches, join Aleksandr and his team. He has lectured in 23 countries on four continents. He is also the author of the bestseller Preboj ZDAJ and other books that everyone should read. You can sign up for his free Coaching diploma workshop at this link.

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