
The strongest woman is the one who is the most wounded!

When you learn why wounded women are such strong personalities, you will begin to see them in a completely different light.

Divorce hurts - even more so because of the fact that society still views divorced women with a certain amount of mercy. But there is no reason for that, because it is much better to be alone than to stay married to a person, which is not good for you (the same applies to men).

You will find out below 6 reasons, why wounded women are the STRONGEST, which will convince you that the next time you see a divorced woman in a completely different light.

Why are wounded women the STRONGEST?

Hard experiences make them tough.

Divorce is a difficult experience, even if the two partners no longer love each other, because the separation can be traumatic. A woman who survives and processes such a thing learns a lot about herself and becomes stronger on many levels.

Love takes courage.

Many people these days are afraid to commit, because love and intimate relationships also bring the risk of being hurt. Anyone who dares to take such a risk shows a great deal of courage and strength.

Divorced women proudly defy the tacit norm that a woman needs a man and children.
Divorced women proudly defy the tacit norm that a woman needs a man and children.

They defy social norms.

Although the world has largely changed for the better for women, there are still tacit norms that it is normal for a woman to get married and have children. Divorced women resist this and make it clear that it is better to be alone than with the wrong man.

They know what they want.

Pain can be a good thing, because it opens a person to self-exploration and reflection - divorce brings a lot of pain, but also opportunities for a woman to rebuild her life. Divorced women, after healing their wounds, become more aware of what they want and what they don't want.

Divorced women are more aware of what they want.
Divorced women are more aware of what they want.

They know that a serious relationship takes work.

Divorce is usually not something that partners decide on overnight - often before the divorce there is a period when they try to solve their problems in various ways. Such an experience makes every woman aware that relationships require a certain amount of serious work and dedication.

They are more in touch with reality.

Divorce also brings the idea of romantic love into question - divorced women can become much stronger through this, become less blind in their next relationships and have more realistic expectations.

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