
The surprising story of the man in the pink wing

After Linda learned she had cancer, her husband Bob came up with a slightly different idea of how to stand by her side. With pink wings, he embarked on a sincere mission to find the laughing side of life.

Laughter has always been the best medicine. So Bob also decided to illuminate the difficult period that suddenly appeared in their lives with humor. He put on pink wings and took a series of beautiful photos that drew sincere smiles in all their absurd scenes. And not only to his wife, but his actions soon illuminated the lives of others as well. The Tutu Project was born, using Bob's imaginative photos to support The Carey Foundation and the community of women affected by breast cancer.

According to Linda and Bob, their painful experience taught them that life is beautiful despite everything. Although it can be difficult, the only way to deal with it, day by day, is by laughing, at ourselves and together with others.

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