
The tallest building in the world will be 1 kilometer high - Kingdom Tower

The architecture firm Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill has announced the construction of the tallest building in the world, which will measure a good kilometer in height. The so-called Kingdom Tower will be built in the city of Jeddah, which is part of Saudi Arabia and lies by the Red Sea.

Project next door astonishing 1,000 meters high, of course it also impresses with its almost bizarre price, as it is estimated at 1.2 billion dollars. According to currently known information, the tower or high-rise building was supposed to be at least for 178 meters taller than the current tallest building in the world Burj Khalifa with a height of 828 meters.

In the tower next to the hotel will be "Four seasons” also the highest observatory located to such an object, from where it will be possible to observe the stars of the Arabian sky.

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