
The world's tallest ice tower with a lucky shape has grown in China

The tallest ice tower in the world

If it's already winter and if it has to be cold, let's use it for artwork. After all, even if it's about failed attempts at snowmen in the backyard or even igloos. Snow and ice are excellent materials for building and designing all kinds of sculptures. But that's for us amateurs. True masters gathered in China and built this.

Ice tower Flamenco, which they built Dutch and Chinese students together with his professors s of the Summa faculty from Eindhoven and Chinese technology of the Harbin Institute, stands in the Chinese "ice" city of Harbin. In this Chinese city, a festival of ice and snow sculptures takes place every year.

Ice tower Flamenco are prepared for two years and impressive in height 31 meters. The shape of the tower resembles traditional ones Chinese towers and flamenco dress. It's hard to imagine these two together, but as it turns out, everything is possible with imagination. Inside the tower is huge inflatable cushion or rather the balloon it is on 25 cm layer of ice, held together by natural fibers.

We will definitely not see this in our backyard.

Gallery - The tallest ice tower in the world

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