
The way you text reveals a lot about your personality

Send me a message... and I'll tell you what you're like.

Texting gives you a chance to express your true self. Did you know that the way you write your messages shows what kind of person you are? No? Check it out quickly.

You write long messages

With long messages, you put your feelings and thoughts into it. You are a sensitive and thoughtful person, and you see words as a meaningful and powerful tool. Your friends know that you are kind and compassionate. They are sure that you will always be available for advice, or that you will just listen to them when they need it.

You answer in short sentences

You send short messages such as "ok", "no" and "yes"? People sometimes think you are emotionless. You are not, stand by your words. They are what they are. You don't wrap things in cellophane to make them look better. You are open and honest. You just don't play with words and you always tell the truth to anyone who asks for your advice or opinion.

You love using emojis

You are obsessed with them, and if you could, you wouldn't use words at all. This is because emojis are more expressive. Emotions are bubbling inside you. Never think twice before telling people how you feel. Also, if you are stressed, excited, angry or sad, everyone around you will see it and know it.

Be careful when sending messages

You can't seem to help but always end sentences with "lol". You do this because you are not sure how the person on the other end will understand your message. You are not a fan of conflict and you don't want to come across as rude. These types of messages are a necessity for you. You like to please people and want to make everyone around you happy. This is actually a nice trait, but set boundaries and be honest with yourself and others. Stop hiding behind the word "lol".

You are too busy to reply to messages

You don't respond to messages at all, or you respond several days late. Even friends start complaining about it. Your texting style is just another indicator that you should slow down, take some time for yourself, and focus on just one thing. Trying to find a time and a way to respond to messages as soon as possible, it can happen that people start to leave you.

You write again and again

You like to duplicate messages, sending them even if you don't get a response. It means you are brave and bold. You always go after what you like. You are determined and not afraid to take control of your life. However, these personality traits can be mistaken for intolerance by people. Think about it before you send your next message.

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