
Women have finally said how long an intimate relationship should last for them to be satisfied

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Have you ever wondered how long an intimate relationship should last to be "right"? Is it true that more is better, or is the magic of satisfaction hidden in simplicity? What do women say about how much time is ideal, and how does that fit with men's expectations?

Intimate relationship is a crucial part of human life, play an important role in the emotional and physical well-being of the individual. Understanding how long an intimate relationship should last to be satisfying is a topic that interests many.

In a world where sexuality is still whispered about, we reveal what really brings pleasure between the sheets. Researchers looked for answers, and the results may surprise you. Through various studies, experts have tried to find out what the duration of an intimate relationship is optimally.

Kristen Mark w University of Kentucky is one of the researchers who devoted herself to this question. In her study of 15,000 women, she wanted to discover how long intercourse women actually wanted.

Sexuality. Photo: Artem Labunsky / Unsplash

So, in a study led by Kristen Mark, he was the main one the goal is to understand the wishes and expectations of women regarding the duration of intercourse. The data collected from the study showed that it is the average woman is satisfied with intercourse lasting about 10 minutes.

However, ideally, most women would prefer to have sex that lasts between 15 and 20 minutes. This finding helps dispel the myth that sex has to last an extremely long time to be satisfying.

The research also revealed that women's realistic expectations need to be balanced with the possibilities and limitations of their partners.

Studies examining the duration of an intimate relationship are not new. Already in 2008, scientists with of Pennsylvania State University conducted similar research, which showed that women most often state that it is 13 minutes is the optimal duration for intercourse. But how accurate are these numbers and what really affects women's sexual satisfaction?

Over the years, research on the duration of intimate relationships has continued and evolved, with experts trying to understand a wider range of experiences and expectations. These studies not only reflect the different opinions and desires of women, but also break down taboos and contribute to more open communication about sexuality.

Sex. Photo: Dainis Graveris / Unsplash

Effect of duration on satisfaction

The duration of sexual intercourse can greatly affect the physical and emotional satisfaction of individuals. Although some women are satisfied with shorter intercourse, others express a desire for longer duration. Differences in preferences highlight that there is no uniform standard for the "ideal" duration, but that this is very individual.

Satisfaction in intimate relationships does not depend only on duration, but also from the quality of interaction, emotional connection and reciprocity. Therefore, it is important for partners to communicate their wants and needs in order to achieve mutual satisfaction and pleasure.

Intimate relationships should last no less than 10 minutes and no more than 20 minutes to satisfy most women. It is important to understand that the key to a satisfying sexual relationship is flexibility and openness to communication.

Intimacy is complex and multidimensional, so it is essential that a couple find a balance that suits them both.

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