
The Young Lions Festival 2017 is celebrating its 20th birthday

Young Lions Festival 2017

Young lions 2017 will celebrate their 20th anniversary with the festival itself. This will take place from 18 to 27 August 2017 in various locations in Ljubljana. The International Young Lions Festival is one of the most important events of the Bunker Institute. Under his auspices, the most current stage artists from all over the world perform in Ljubljana. At this year's festival, among others, Ivana Müller, Milo Rau, Rimini Protokoll, Sofia Asencio and Tomàs Aragay will perform (again).

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One of the more visible projects of the Bunker Institute, International Young Lions Festival, is celebrating this year 20th anniversary of its operation. The birthday will be celebrated with a festival Young Lions 2017, which will take place between August 18 and 27, 2017 in Ljubljana. The Mladi levi festival dedicates its space and organization above all creators of modern progressive theatre. The festival sees a special mission in discovering new talents. Every year, well-known and unknown creators of theater art present themselves on its stages all over the world.

Ivana Müller's play is also intended for a younger audience
Ivana Müller's performance is also intended for a younger audience.

The Young Lions Festival 2017 will open with international co-production Pursuits of happiness, creators Kelly Copper and Pavola Liske. The performance reflects everything that the Mladi levi festival represents - it is bold, full of humor and checks, if not even moving theater boundaries. On the 20th, we will be able to see Young Lions, among others Ivan Müller, Mila Rau, Sofia Asencio and Tomàs Aragay. You can book tickets at info@bunker.si. You can read more about the program at this link.

READ MORE: A little for fun, a little for real: Summer Panč 2017

Pursuers of happiness
Pursuers of happiness

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