
THAT'S WHY you'll stay alone: you'll 100% drive away your partner!

Modern ways to drive your partner away. They work one hundred percent!

Raymond Bechard, author of The Berlin Turnpike: A True Story of Human Trafficking in America and human rights advocate, p Thrive Global Sarcastically discusses relationship trends.

Let's take a look at his thinking and 15 reasons why relationships are no longer working today.


"I peeked into the room where a man was installing new parquet in my bedroom. For some reason he asked me for advice on whether or not he should throw a surprise birthday party for his partner. I asked him a simple question: “Is he a positive person? Does he look on the bright side of life?” He showed me her photo and said the six best words I've ever heard, at least from a man's point of view: "Every day is better because of her."

Most men talk about what they like and don't like, what they want and don't want, what turns them on and what hurts. I heard these six words from no one but him: "Every day is better because of her." Every person wants to have and experience this. If you are lucky enough to find a woman who understands and loves you enough to standing by no matter what (and you to her), basically you're both trying to make each day better because you have each other. A man should move heaven and earth for such a woman to spend the rest of his life with her.

Unfortunately, such love it is no longer modern. Relationships have evolved into a kind of competition where every action is marked as acceptable or not and leads to the end of the relationship.

So, in order to others in trend, below are 15 proven tips to make you lose your man forever. By the way, men can also use these tips.

Forget emotional intimacy.
Forget what psychologist Malini Shah says: "Emotional intimacy is a feeling of close personal connection and belonging, which arises on the basis of mutual acquaintance and experience." Basically, it means taking the time to find a man with whom you can build trust and be yourself. No, don't make time for him, just be in fleeting impersonal relationships.

Disrespect him.
Do not show him respect under any circumstances, even if he deserves, wants or needs it. Don't appreciate it. Don't listen to him. Disregard his priorities or concerns. Make him feel that your life would be much better without him in it.

Show him that you don't care about him.
Of course you love him, but do you care? You are probably closer to him at that time than anyone else in his life. If you want to make sure he's unhappy, just show him you don't like him.

Complain about him.
Make sure he knows you're racking up points against him with the open expectation that he'll screw up. Tell all your friends what a loser he is and never compliment him.

Condemn him.
If you want him to stop being open and honest, or if you want him to start hiding things from you, make sure you judge him every chance you get. If you can't find anything negative, make it up. Do whatever it takes to keep him on the defensive. Remember that every day brings new opportunities to find new faults in him.

Don't trust him.
He is a man, do not trust him, no matter how trustworthy, honest, reliable or faithful he seems. Of course, if you can't or won't trust him, leave him. No excuses. You will never have emotional intimacy if there is no opportunity for mutual trust.

Blame him.
If you are divorced, blame him. If your last man treated you badly, blame him. If the kids don't behave well, blame him. Take all your anger, frustration, fears and insecurities and place them on the doorstep of his life. Whatever negative feelings or experiences you have, punish him for it. He is to blame for everything.

Stay angry.
He is a man. He must have done something wrong. Even if you don't know what it is, you still get angry. You don't need to know exactly when or what he did, for sure has done so or will. Save time and get angry now, why wait for the cause of anger to come. Stay angry, because every moment he does something wrong, although you don't know what, something.

Don't be reliable.
Let him know that you will never be there for him if he needs you, no matter the situation. This way he will know that there is no point in relying on you. If you're the only person he wants to call when something really bad or good happens, tell him up front that you're not available for him and you really don't care.

Turn away and stay mad at him.
Turn away and stay mad at him.

Don't help yourself.
You went through different periods of pain, many things hurt you. Do not attempt to treat your wounds in any way. Don't go to therapy. Don't use what you learned in self-help books. Never dwell on the wrongs that have been done to you or the wrong decisions that you have made. Cover the pain.

Don't take responsibility.
Never apologize. Never admit that you did something that hurt him. Live as if you cannot hurt him, no matter how badly you treat him. Remember, this relationship is about you and only heals your pain. He is irrelevant.

Don't take it seriously.
You are the only one who has a right to emotions, problems, challenges and pain. If he shows any of these, it just means he's weak. You don't have time to deal with your problems and his. After all, he is there for you, not the other way around.

Don't support him.
Leave it alone, isolated and unprepared. He is a man and should deal with what comes his way. You have no time for a man who needs your help. If he needs support, an ally, an advocate or a real friend, he is not worth it.

Don't forgive him.
When he does something wrong, use his mistake to confirm all the terrible things you've been thinking. Don't forgive him, because if you do, he will only learn from it that he can make mistakes again and again. Instead, identify him by his faults. You keep telling him what a horrible person he is.

Don't learn from mistakes.
And when the relationship ends (if you follow these guidelines, it most certainly will), you simply put the blame on him and move on to the next relationship and do the exact same thing, over and over again.

But if you're not someone who follows the latest trends, just work in the opposite direction and find a man with whom you can change every day - for the better - for both of you."

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