
These 3 bad habits show that you are extremely intelligent

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It's interesting how often condemned habits like being untidy, getting up late and swearing can actually be linked to high intelligence. Although these traits are traditionally labeled as negative, modern psychology and research show them in a different light. We'll look at why these habits might be a sign of intelligence and creativity. These 3 bad habits show that you are extremely intelligent!

Have you ever felt convicted of disorderly conduct, late risers or frequent cursing? Perhaps society has labeled you lazy or impolite, but research has shown that these very "bad" habits can be a sign of high intelligence. So if you're one of those people who easily leave clutter behind or express themselves through juicy words, take solace - your mind may be operating at a higher level than meets the eye. Below, we reveal how these habits show your bright mind and creativity.

These 3 bad habits show that you are extremely intelligent!

1. Mess as a sign of creativity

A messy room is often associated with disorganization and laziness. But a psychologist from the University of Minnesota discovered that people who live in clutter are more likely to be creative and intelligent. Clutter creates an environment where the possibilities for innovative thinking are greater. Instead of focusing on mundane tasks, these people are preoccupied with larger, more complex ideas.

2. Late rising and circadian rhythms

Getting up late or working nights is often labeled as inflexible, but studies show that people who stay up late have higher levels of intelligence. Research published in Psychology Today, notes that people with a tendency towards later sleep rhythms often have higher IQ. This is associated with more creative problem solving and the ability to master complex tasks.

3. Swearing as an expression of sincerity

Although profanity is often associated with vulgarity, research conducted on Marist College in New York, shows that people who curse more often are more intelligent and have a more developed vocabulary. Swearing is often a sign of sincerity and directness, as it expresses true feelings. Swear words allow people to express themselves more easily and authentically, which can also be an indicator of intelligence.


Although certain habits such as clutter, staying up late and cursing are traditionally seen as bad, scientific research shows them as potential signs of high intelligence and creativity. So, the next time someone accuses you of these habits, you'll know that it might be more than just a habit – it's your sharp mind.

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