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These 3 bizarre messages will take revenge on you if you send them to your ex-partner!

Messages we've all sent before!

If you allow your emotions to paralyze you, some actions may backfire on you. Do not send these three bizarre messages!

Every breakup is painful - it involves a mountain of tears, sleepless nights, negative thoughts, but in the end the sun always shines. It's for everyone. If you're suffering right now, you're probably thinking yes it will never pass. And clearly, there is no word to calm you down and give you hope back.
It doesn't even matter why the love ended, as much as it matters that they remain dignified and careful, in what way will they end the story. Don't do things that will make you feel guilty. Also learn to say yes to love YOU MUST NOT to beg If the person doesn't love you ANYMORE, look for your happiness elsewhere. Because you know very well that you deserve the best. And the best includes sincere love.

Marriage therapists say that some people often cannot come to terms with the fact that it is the end. And so they begin to terrorize the person who was once a part of their lives. believe me you don't need that kind of shame in your life!

Never send your EX/EX messages like this:

"I miss you."

Before you send such a message, ask yourself if you really miss a person or if you just feel lonely because you are not used to the single life.
Such a message has multiple meanings, so it's dangerous to send it after a breakup when two hearts are still unhealed - it's sensitive, but at the same time manipulative, because it's a classic BI:NOT BI situation, building some form of relationship that you're not sure about/- ah, do you want her, but she's here because you don't want to feel lonely.
Before you send a message, remember how far you've come and whether it makes sense to have an affair with your ex again.

"I miss you."
"I miss you."

"Arguing and insulting"

Don't let your tongue be faster than your mind. Think before you remember that you would have insulted your ex-love, because he/she can take revenge on you in the event that they divorce, because it is some form of evidence for the court. Never write something that you know can be a burden on you later and you will be ashamed of it. If your ex can't stand you, your messages will make the rounds. 100 %!

"Who are you seeing?"
"Who are you seeing?"

"Hey, you"!

Worse than the "I miss you" text is the "hey you" text, which is usually sent early in the morning after you return from a night out. Any version of this kind of advertising is something you have to resist. Realize that a person who could not be a good partner for you will not be a good friend with benefits. Remember that your ex is there for a reason.

"Who are you seeing?"

If you happen to see your former love in the city or on social networks with another person, do not allow yourself the humiliation of writing to her and asking her who you are seeing. Don't let your anger lead you astray. The fact is that they are no longer together and everyone can look for better options for themselves! If you haven't, that's your problem.

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