
These 5 indoor plants can cool the room by several degrees

Photo: Ksenia Chernaya/ Pexels

It's very hot outside and we still want it to be nice and cool inside our four walls. You can of course help yourself in the fight against the heat with an air conditioner, but these can cause health problems for many people, use a lot of electricity or are too expensive. Cooling down an apartment without air conditioning is not a mission impossible.

During the day, of course, lower the blinds and curtains so that the heat does not come through the windows. Ventilate the apartment in the evening. Also help yourself with fans.. But there are also indoor plants, which can cool the room, as they filter and clean the air. According to the results of the Nasa Earth Science research, plants use photosynthesis they don't only cool themselves, rather also the environment.

1. Ficus benjamin

A small closed tree has many leaves through which it releases moisture into the room. It is best to opt for a high bushy canopy that will extend over the other plants next to it. Namely, when you group plants, try to create an ecosystem of plants that improve the humidity in the room. Ultimately, the size of this plant determines the size of the pot, so it should be larger than usual. Don't forget to water regularly so that the cooling effect will be optimal.

2. Ficus gum

It is a very popular indoor plant. It has large fleshy, dark green leaves. It is known that the plant compensates for the water content in the air and the more leaves it has, the greater the cooling effect it will have. The higher the humidity in the room, the lower the temperature. The soil should always be evenly moist, but do not expose it to direct sunlight.

3. Aglaonema

It is a very modest plant that grows well in almost any place with a little or more light. This plant not only cools the air, but also cleans it. It is especially recommended in the bedroom. Water it with soft water that should be warmed to room temperature.

4. Room palm

Due to their large green leaves, palm trees are wonderful companions in the apartment. Not only do they provide a cooler temperature, they also give an exotic feel. Green leaves have narrow openings that absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. The larger the leaf area, the more oxygen it can produce. In addition to regular watering, spray the leaves with water regularly.

5. Mother-in-law's language

Like aloe vera, mother-in-law's tongue or sansevieria has a high hydrogen content. It is a plant that cleans the air. It not only releases moisture and oxygen into it, but also removes pollution. The plant loves the sun, so place it on the windowsill, as it prevents warm rays from entering the room. But you have to be careful when watering, because too much water can destroy it.


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